[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
MALEKULA (19) Clan with the parent village Tunggor :—
I (20) Clan with the â€ù parent â€ù villagevMbwilmet :- 111-1111-111'|'1(repea.ted) (21) Clan with the " parent " village Reimbi :- 7777"777“7777“9"777 (22) Clan with the " parent â€ù village Eviinambas :— 777‘777‘71j777j777711lj7 7777“77“777‘777 . (23) Clan with the “ parent â€ù village Maur :— 7777‘777%j (24) Clan with the “ parent â€ù village Ranmap :— 7717131177 g (25) Clan with the “ parent " village On Nevet :—- 1 11-1.)'1j1'|1~1fl1-1w_(lento) (26) Clan with the “ parent " village Evï¬Ånumou :— wwwiwwwiwiwi A (27) Clan with the " parent " village Dineur :—- 777777777j“7“7"7" (28) Clan with the_ "-parent: village Lewia11g :- 777“777“7777"7777 (29) Clan with the “ parent " village Leirip :—— w1*w1*w1;;~1*M (30) Clan with the " parent " village Epmunbangg :— 77‘7“7777