[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
v,..;‘ï¬Å 1‘ i /t . Nemep KINSHIP ORGANIZATION IN SOUTH-WEST 61 - Name of the Village. Name of certain Quaiters of the Village.‘ Ndawu . Uraau ’ Nembiirii , 9: 1-77 Maur . Ranambo aée E29 aw _) (9 (15) (9 W (111 (iy (9 (lg) (1) Loorbalanggau. Loormbrï¬Ås. (Loornewei.) Loorrnen. Loorndemes. Loormbaaru. (Looru.) Loorndavu. Loormilu. Loorweii Loorwiew. Loorsern. (Loormbetep.) Loorlarnbut . Wiloor. Loormbap. , Indeed it is recognized by the natives that every village has , ' its L001; according tovone statement every village has a place called L0or- close to it, as, for instance, Loorvitmeviis which - ' lies close to the village Ndawu, and in which there is a sacred stone. Now Laor_is said to ‘mean “ a spot which is set apart, - ' ' sacred, reserved "I Since, of the villages in the above list, Ndawu, ' Nemep, and Ranambo are “ offspring ’ villages, as are also many of flie other villages beginning with L001-, it seems very probable that, though each clan has its single sacred place or ncmbrmllrkon, usually in the precincts of the " parent â€ù village, yet “ parent " an_d “ offspring " ‘alike each have their own loor. This, then, gives us a further reason for supposing that some " at least of the “offspringâ€ù villages enjoy a certain ceremonial - independence. 'In addition to the social solidarity which exists between the villages of any one clan, there is, in South-West Malekula, » 1 The names enclosed in brackets are given in an early list in one of the ï¬Åeld- ’ 110110 books,-but are not included in the later list from which the above is taken. In the ea-rly ilï¬Åt‘ the following are also recorded :—‘ Name nf the Village. Name of certain Quarters of the Village. ‘ Loutu - . Loor Maramp, Loot Limbwig, Loorwei, ‘ _ Lnormbetep, Loormbexep. Teleleu . l l-Gurlip, Loorhwitengerei Loorlangalat . Loorrnilbwin, Loormbwitui. Loorwo . . Loorwo. Loormbap . . Loom, Weilour, Loorvilu. ' Luormbarap . Loorndun. p It will noticed that ï¬Åve out of these six villages have names beginning with Laor- in addition to the names oi certain quarters of them.-—C, H. W. :::Q: l. l - ._;—.-_ï¬Å:_; .,%>l..?._._