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"I" ls; »_"? < W KINSHIP ORGANIZATION IN SOUTH-WEST 73 Awei (2nd sing. hinam wewei) (cf. amo). Primary meaning: F.Sis. Extended to 1 M.B.W. F .Sis.D. awei livavi (himzm wewei tivari). Apap 1 (2nd sing. metuam). Primary meaning: M.B. This term is not used for any other relative, but is probably extended to include all the men of the real maternal uncle's own clan and generation. Lawangk (znd sing. lawam). Primary meaning: Sis.Ch. (m.s.). This term, like npap, is not used for any other relative, but it is probably extended by a man to the children of all the women of his own clan and generation whom he calls venmgk. Aavu (2nd sing. tambvum). Primary meaning: all grandparents, whether on the ‘ father's or mother's side, but the F.F. is distinguished as aavu £61. ' . . ' - Extended to : aavu im. (2nd sing, vtambrwm) ; F.F.Sis.S.; F.Sis.H. ' Maui mbrimgk (2nd sing. niaai mlr/dim). - Primary meaning: all grandchildren whether in the ‘male or female line. Extended to: S.S.S.; M;B.S.S. (m.s.); W.B.Ch. _ Aiwul (znd sing. vuungom). , Primary meaning : consort's father. _ _Exte1-ided to: W.F.B.; H.M.B.; W.F.eSis.S.; H.F.eB. ' aiwut timbaau (znd sing. 1/mmgnm) ; H.F.yB. aiwul tiwari ~ ~- (znd sing. mmngam). ’ M omo ’ (2nd sing. vmmgom mama). Primary meaning : cons0rt's mother. Extended to: H.F.Sis. ; H.F.eB.W. ; W.F.Sis. ; W.F_B.W. The term vmmgom is also extended in the form z/mmgom nevflmn to the W.F.eB.D., who, however, is always addressed by her personal name. Avila (2nd sing. nemuuile). Primary meaning: B.W. ( Extended to : S.W. ; H.F.yB.W. .w:§ WT.’ .€<< ~.- W .W. (m.s.). Sis.S.W. (m.s.'); ' _1 A man may sometimes be heard addressing his sister's small son as upap. Phi? he gong ll'b0!d€1' that the boy may learn tn use this Word for his maternal unc e.- . . . ‘ Nimama = " the woman “ ; hence I/uungom momo seems to mean nothing more than the " woman I/uungam ". vii» _ f V