[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] 80 MALEKULA Further, the terms used between two people are not necessarily reciprocal. Thus Tota calls Fintimbus tatai, father, while Fintimbus addresses him as tuan, brother. The reason for this is that Tota’s father, Aimbong, is classificatory brother to Fintimbus, and therefore the latter is in the status of father to Tota ; but Tota's mother was a woman of Uraau, who through her mother, Viranmap, was elder sister to Viloorrnbatambur, Viranmap’s daughter by her second husband, a man oi Tivulernp. Thus, reckoning through their mothers Tota, is Fintimbus' elder brother. The reason why, in addressing Tota, Fintimbus traces his kinship through his mother is that Ambatinvindawu, his father, died while his son Fintimbus was very young (see Table C). (1) _ (2) 5‘ : Viranmap = AILIMBON (Uraau) 1 (Ranmap) ] (Tivulemp) | l l 3‘ = Q AMBATINVINDAWU = Viloormbatambur (Ndawu) I I (Tivulernp) = Amnoue Frrmmsus ' (Uraau) l Tom TABLE C. Illustrating the Dual Relationship between Fintimhus of Ndawu and Tota oi Ndawu. From this we can see that two individuals may trace their relation- ship to each other along different paths, and that the selection of the path depends very largely on the history of each person concerned, A further complication in tracing the relationship between two individuals may and often does arise from the practice» which will be described later, of “ washing out the name â€ù, that is, obliterating the kinship bonds, in order to enable a man to marry a. woman whom he addresses by a term such as " mother " or “ sister ".1 ' The complexity resulting irorri the existence of these multiple relationships is clearly seen on an analysis of the genealogies of the people of Seniang and Wilemp and the lists of the kinship ten-ns used between them. In many cases the data. available are insufficient to explain the use oi the terms, for it is not always possible to determine whether individuals of the same clan, but not close blood kindred, belong to the same or to different generations.—C. H. W. .1. 1 1:
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