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r“ 1 1| ;. »| ii v Twgangk (znd sing. t-uam) . eB. (m.s.). Amwmengk (znd sing. amwznem) B. (w.s.). ' Avenengk (2nd sing. m/mam) . Sis. (rn.s.). Apap (2nd sing. metuam) . . M.B. Lawnngk (2nd sing. lawam) . Sis.Ch. (m.s.). Wiwa (znd sing. ?) . . . Primary meaning: 'F.Sis. Extended to : M.B.W. all grandparents. Cons0rt’s father. Consort’s mother. H.B.; Sis.H.; W.B. Harm (2nd sing. alambmm] . Aiwut ? (2nd sing. ?). . . Vumm (2nd sing. P) . . . H aleg (2nd sing. P) . . . Havileg (2nd sing. ?) . . H.Sis. ; B.W. ; 7V.Sis. It is interesting that in this district there are no special terms for the wife's brother or the husband's sister indicative of a special attitude of respect for these relatives, as there are in Seniang. The Kinship Terms of Laus - Here again only the primary meanings of the terms have been recorded and we know nothing of the ways in which they are extended. ~ . mother. . father. child. eB. (m.s.). B. (w.s.). Sis. (rn.s.). M.B. Sis.Ch. (ms). Primary meaning: F.Sis. Extended to : M.B.W. all grandparents. C0nsort’s parents. H.B.; Sis.H.; W.B. Aniai (2nd sing. asnam) . . Atemrm 1 (znd sing. atemam) Halatungk (2nd sing. ?) . >. Atuazmgk (2nd sing. atugam) . Amwinen ‘ (2nd sing. ?) . . Avenen 1 (znd sing. P) . . Meturmgk (2nd sing. metuam) . Aluwangk (2nd sing. P) . . Avuvwa (2nd sing. P) . . Atamlmmgk (znd sing. atambmm) Amman 1 (2nd sing. P) . . Alilim ‘ (2nd sing. P) . . It is interesting to notice that in this list from Laus such vocative fom1s as azww or apap appear to be absent. It is not possible from such incomplete lists as these to deduce anything of sociological value, and it is more than possible that they are not wholly trustworthy. y V V 1 n seems v'exy probable that these represent the time singular possessive of the terms, not the vocative or ï¬Årst singular.—C. H. W. 5'1 90 MALEKULA ‘ 4 A-mum-»—-1-== K i