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I ll . l . . . H J ~r "‘ ‘ l ll“ t .» ll ii .1 - M 92 MALEKULA Nitungk (2nd sing. nitum, 3rd sing. nitinowakh). Primary meaning: Child. Extended to: B.Ch. (n1.s.); M.B.Ch. (m.s.); Sis.Ch. (w.s.); S.S.S.S. ; H.B.S. ; W.B.S. ; W.Sis.S., and, with the addition of the suï¬Å-ix were/ei, as nitungk wewei (nitum wewei, nitino wewei wakh), it is extended to 1 B.Ch. (w.s.) ; M.B.Ch. (w.s.); H.Sis.Ch. Tuangk (2nd sing. luam, 3rd sing. immowakh). Primary meaning: eB. (m.s.) ; eSis. (w.s.). Extended to: F.F.F.; F.M.B.S. (m.s.); M.F.M.B.S. (ms). The is also called laau, which, however, is not a true relationship term. Tisungk (znd sing. tisum ; 3rd sing. tisinou/okh). Primary meaning: yB. (m.s.); ySis. (w.s.). Extended to: F.Sis.S.S. (m.s.] ; ?F.Sis.D.S. (m.s.) ; F.Sis.S.D.S. ? (m.s.) ; S.S.S. Nahmgk (2nd sing. nalawokh ; 3rd sing. nelnewokh). Primary meaning: B. (w.s.). Extended to: F.M.B.S. (w.s.). Nalnngk lebe (2nd sing. nalanlebzwokh ; 3rd sing. nelelebewokh). Primary meaning: Sis (ms). Extended to: F.Sis.S.D. (m.s.). Mituangk (2nd sing. mituam ; 3rd sing. mitmmowokh). Primary meaning: M.B. Apparently this is extended to no other relatives, but is probably used for all the men of the real matemal uncle's own generation and clan. Nelmm (2nd sing. lowokh ; 3rd sing. lonowakh). Primary meaning : Sisilh. (m.s.). Apparently this is extended to no other relatives, but is probably used by a man for the children of those women of his own clan whom he calls nalang/z lebe. Nawsi (2nd sing. saweiwokh} 3rd sing. sanoweiwokh). Primary meaning: F.Sis. Extended to : M.B.W. ; F.Sis.D., naweiloulvu. Timbllk (2nd sing. timbuwokh; 3rd sing. timbflnowokh). Primary meaning: Grandfather, on both the mother's and father’s side. Extended meaning: M.F.Sis.S. ; F.Sis.H.1 Nesungk (2nd sing. nesum ; 3rd sing. nisinewakh). Primary meaning : Grandmother, on both the mother's and father's side. There is no evidence as to what other relatives this term is used for. ‘ See note on p. 91. a pl F |: 11 1? ;. =.l=_.4‘;*~" ;saL:»_::sa~.e.-.'»_-.=~_.~v muz- »