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V, . KINSHIP ORGANIZATION IN NORTH-WEST I05 ‘ Naaruongk (2nd sing. naarunm ; 3rd sing. naamï¬Ån). ' Primary meaning: ySis. (w.s.). Extended to: F.yB.D. (w.s.) ; H.yB.W. l Mammgk (2nd sing. mnmï¬Åm ; 3rd sing. mmm). F Primary meaning I B. (w.s.). ‘ Extended to: F.B.S. (w.s.); H.Sis.S. f Vï¬Ånï¬Åmmgk (2nd sing. ndvdndm ; 3rd sing. ndnï¬Ånn). I Primary meaning : Sis. (m.s.). < 1 Extended to : F.B.D. (m.s.) ; W.B.W. Primary meaning : M.B. ‘I Bimbi (znd sing. bï¬Ånam ; 3rd sing. bï¬Åmm). I Extended to: F.Sis.H. (also called bumbu, q.v.); i F.Sis.D.H. Primary meaning : Sis.S. (n1.s.). E Metelo (znd sing. metelomsam). r F Extended to : W.M.B.S. Metelo (2nd sing. haluï¬Åm ; 3rd sing. haluen). Primary meaning : Sis.D. (rn.s.). Vane (2nd sing. s’nam anune ; 3rd sing. s’nen anune). Primary meaning : F.Sis. Extended to: M.B.W. ; H.Sis. (also nevin lel sungk) ; F.Sis.D. nave narbgh 1 (znd sing. s'nam anune narï¬Ågh). L Bumbu (znd sing. tsumlmm; 3rd sing. tsumbun). ' I Primary meaning: Grandfather (both paternal and maternal). Extended _ to: F.F.Sis.S.; F.Sis.H. (also called bimbi) ; ’ bumlm mzmse. Bumbu tenet (2nd sing. tsumbum tenet). ‘ Primary meaning: Grandmother (both paternal and maternal). , Naambungk (2nd sing. naambum; 3rd sing. mzambun). Primary meaning: Grandchild (irrespective of sex or sex of parent). . Extended to 1 M.B.S.S. Balghongk (voc. matoro; 2nd sing. balgham; 3rd sing. balghan). Q Primary meaning: W.F. ; and (P) H.F. Extended to : H.M.B. ; H.F.Sis.S. Balghongk miet (voc. likter or tenet ; 2nd sing. balgham tenet). Primary meaning : Consort’s mother. ll M in sug sungk (2nd sing. min sug sum). Primary meaning : H. i Extended to: H.yB.; H.Sis.S. ; Sis.H. (w.s.). 1 zumigh = “little â€ù ; mus uardgh -= “little iather’s sister." i|-ii
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