[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
1'5?“ 2 KINSHIP ORGANIZATION IN NORTH-WEST III to do so would appear meaningless to a native. Thus Abel could never say that he “tsughus Vmtito'kâ€ù, the village of his paternal clan. The word tsughus, and the habitual conception oi matrilineal descent which it implies, seems to be absent in Lambumbu. Two men, one of this latter district and the other of Lagalag, who spoke each other's dialects, agreed, after discussing the matter between them, that their customs differed in this respect. Nor has this conception been found to exist in any other part of Malekula. KINSHIP IN LARAVAT In the district of Laravat the kinship terms, although they are not so fully recorded as are those of Lagalag, show, so far as they go, a marked resemblance to these. Indeed, allowing for phonetic differences, most of them are identical; it is only the terms for relatives by marriage which show any considerable variation from the Lagalag forms. The Kinship Terms Nane (2nd sing. hmzam; 3rd sing. lumen). Primary meaning: M. (Cf. also vavwe, hunam wawei, hunm wewzi.) Tate (2nd sing. tumom ;. 3rd sing. temen). Primary meaning : F. - Extended to : F.Sis.S. tatzwei (2nd sing. tomam wen/er). Ntuk (2nd sing. mum). . Primary meaning: Child (irrespective of sex). Extended to: Sis.Ch. (w.s.); B.Ch. (m.s.). In the form ntuk marei: B.Ch. (w.s.) ; H.Sis.Ch. ; M.B.Ch. Mamwe sog (znd sing. mamwe sum ; 3rd sing. mamwe sm). Primary meaning : eB. (m.s.) (also called tugzmgk)Z‘; eB. (w.s.) (also called manungk). ‘ Sena (2nd sing. smam; 3rd sing. smen). Primary meaning: yB. (m.s.). (Another list gives yB. (m.s.) as mar selï¬Ångk, mar seliim, mar selen.) T ugangk (2nd sing. mgam; 3rd sing. tugan]. Primary meaning: eB. (m.s.) ; eSis. (w.s.). Extended to: HIBBA 24-.» 7