Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86206<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

As a general rule a man of virile disposition will seek the earliest
opportunity of shooting a man whom he knows to have com-
mitted adultery with his wife, and this is considered just and
proper. On hearing that a murder has occurred, the old men
of the clan will send for the murderer and ask him why he shot
the man: if the murderer replies, “ he stole my wife," the old
men say, " all right, you shoot," reminding him only that he
should have told them beforehand what he intended to do.
A man is considered to have " stolen " a woman if he lies
with her only once. The general procedure in adultery is as
follows. The wife conceives a desire for a certain man. Should
the man have a sister, the wife seeks an opportunity of speaking
to her. She tells her that ii the man, her brother, would like
to " steal â€ù her, she will ï¬Åx a day for going into the bush " to
gather ï¬Årewood The sister then speaks to her brother. If
he is agreeable a day and time are arranged, generally in the
early morning or evening. An hour or so before the appointed
time, the wife says to her husband that she is going out to cut
ï¬Årewood, or to perform some other domestic duty. She then
makes off quickly to the rendezvous, where she chops a~-few
sticks that the sound of the axe may direct her lover to the spot.
The man may bring a mat with him for them to lie upon, but
this is rash, for to be seen carrying a mat into the bush would
arouse suspicion. The lovers return to the village by different
paths. If for any reason the man who has “ stolen " the
woman wishes to give her back to her husband, he ï¬Årst gives
her to some other man who cohabits with her for some time
before she is returned.‘
Some men are particularly careful of their wives‘ honour,
and will scarcely allow them out of sight. This extreme watch-
fulness is, apparently, generally regarded by public opinion as
excessive, as is implied by the following text which briefly
characterizes a husband of this type.
Nimorot tikulms inggm nimomo tie! isllmgalnngue I/'iL9(lY,‘
The jealous man makes his wife she does not walk outside;
{tile nggur tartar tai in lium. Wu! gewer golong
he always shuts her in the house. When he says he is going
‘ The meaning and signiï¬Åcance of this is not at all clear; it may be that
in this instance the word "steal" refers not to e single adulterous incident,
but to a liaison of some duration, which the man now wishes to bring to an
cnd.—C. H. '. '
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.1 1992 [Set(s) 1662]
Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.2 1992 [Set(s) 1663]
Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.3 1992 [Set(s) 1664]
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Object(s) ID 86206
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 208 / 901
Filesize 462 Kb | 1060 x 1631 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2025/3/13]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86206). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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