[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
1"" P 5 . -D , 1 !. ¢» K £4. MARRIAGE AND RELATIONS OF SEXES I51 bisilei, getita nggor tinivtm Hum, m golmg. a long way, he shuts his wife in the house. and he goes. WM iinivï¬Ån gzmmg iaamn at itemb tzi lium. If his wife feels her excrement she excretes in the house. El nezhen nimorot nin at rzwer ikukus. And the name of such a man they say he is jealous. The lengths to which such a jealous type of husband will sometimes go are instanced by the following account of events which took place probably some forty years ago. Viloormbarap an nimnmo mar tiei ralzmg lembwiteei, mm Viloormbarap and his two wives went into the bush, they worked nehen. Vilowntbarup iwer tinivaln mar the garden. Viloormbarap said to his two wives (that) mkoh tartar tei masaswng win ei. El tuan, nehm at they were always to stay close to him. And one, by name Vzmambang, ilzmg bisilei. Et Viloarmbarap nimbatin ihetl Vanambang, went to a distance. And Viloormbarap was very angry nitï¬Ålï¬Ån imr gen um! tinivï¬Ån ilong bisilei. his wind—pipe hurt because that his wife had gone away. En ivivie : “ Vindewut um ambe F! " And he called: “Woman of Ewut where are you?!" “Kimmgk ztingklâ€ù "Gugngur fem? Usronghurve wul newer “ I'm here I " " You make how? Don't you know that I said guslongmarsuve ,' newer dookoh newui gesi ! ! " you were not to go ?; I said we were to stop in one plaoe! l" Et il/if new/42h, irop ta in. Et Vanambang iles And -he took his musket, he ran after her. And Vanambang saw Viloormlmmp il1'j> nem/12h, at 1101?. Vilourmbaraqï¬Å flop Viloormbarap take his musket, and she ï¬Åed. Viloormbarap he ran ta’ at urvimggam, nimomo £101) human, an nimorot after, and they two raced, the woman ran in front, and the man irop ta ; urvimggam ; masasang rulevis ran behind; they two raced; they had nearly come in sight eium at uwop tong ha, at nimomo of the house, and they two ran up (hill), and the woman (was) ikul at itzes nerzvï¬Åh Immn. Nehp mamm reso exhausted, and he aimed the musket at her. The shot caught her in taun, at iuleul, iuivia : “ Ia ei rokoh siumi in her back, and she yelled, she called: “ Who is in the village? - names! " El tatai irong, ’1'iop bwelemisar. “ Amo, I’m dying I " And my father heard, he rushed out. “ Mother ilflmwifl P ! " " Tamam a'w'm' k1'mmgkI"‘ what's the matter? 1 " " Thy father has shot me I " ‘ Nimbahn ihet = literally “ his head was bad“.