[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] ‘i A 182 MALEKULA each adult man has his own garden to cultivate, there are certain stages. in the work in which other men give him a helping hand. The following description of the proceedings in the native dialect gives some picture of the division of labour and of the scrupulous care which the cultivation of yams demands from a Malekulan. Atlou mbat/n, atm wummr (1). Atra wurwur mah ,' atvwelem lieh ; They begin, they clear. They clear completely ; they come again ; atnggb'nggbp(1). amggdnggï¬Åp mim ran naai, atsiili. they brush away with a stick (rep.) to the trees, they burn [it]. Aingg5ngg5]5 mah. Atvwelsm lieh; atteteri gm", They brush away completely. They come again; they cut wood, atveveh ietau, iiokh sur niar ; at1/imlm (2) they carry it and put it it stops along the fence ; they throw down naai, atglml sur, atteri nimbwelanggu (3), nennzr the logs, they dig along, they cut Hibiscus tiliaceus, erythrina ivi mztalu may ,' asugh ; aitaviin (4) to make the legs of the fence; they set up; they ï¬Åll in; atmbunsmbunsun ; atvimien naai new atieteri ,' they stamp down ; they throw down the logs which fliey had cut ; tmm lien. Nï¬Åmur im, imm imiemdcmm imam; man itï¬Ågh it stops in. Men two, one he chucks into ï¬Årst; the other he mum; inggu vain. Inenong. Ivimim »-- _lieh pulls the creeper; he binds after. Finish. He chucks again naai mai nan. Inenong. Inggu lieh mai. the logs on top of it. Finish. He fastens again on top. Artou mahan sumbwat. Aragï¬Å mim lium. They put ï¬Ånish to starting point. They go into the village. arvwn ndou : “ Gï¬Åmzm ertou mahim niar They say: " We two, we have put completely the fence téinggémem. Mmï¬Ång nimomogh man ar ambzaitnggï¬Ånggérah Q5) of us two. Now women some they let them ra e l|'mgg6'mem.â€ù T17 nimamagh atrong, atvweri “nggb't,' ndm/itï¬Åvu, our (garden)." And the women hear, they say: “ We, we will go, mbwitnggï¬Ånggï¬Årah ti iaai ar.â€ù Ti atï¬Åvu. Aiteri we will rake (the garden) of of these two.â€ù So they go. They out naai nggé'nggo'rah,' air/eh 1114 mim saghan niar; a stick for the raking; they carry (them) unto the garden; attau mlou man ar ; at-ueh seswï¬Åkh ,' atlughwi they put down some of them; they carry one by one; they step vu mim Zen niar; atvalvalen mmm. Naam ngei Zilï¬Åmin; across into the garden; they lay the ï¬Åre. Fire that it blazes; aitégh ,' attdgh ,' vi vi vi ; imamah ; they drag it about; they haul it about; on on on; it dies out; atï¬Åvu. Nimbungun iuah attokh len mzamal; nï¬Åm/ur they go. On the fourth day they stop in the amel; _the man
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