[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
P1.A-us vnr
_ l A1, Braccr, p. 214, 21.21% A1, Bow, I-436 n14 gag ini) long, wirh tz*r1Ir:face_attachcdtoit; 17,1131, A5, Bow, r347 m. (53 ln.) long, used with harpoon arrow for shooting ï¬Åsh, Varas_s Village, Big Nambas ()Cheesmar) coll_), p. s14; 51.321, A4, QUIVCZ, p. zi4; 27.2103; length av; cm. (1 fr. s in. , containing eleven simple arrows With nooks. A5, Five arrows, p, 214 B1