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RITES or BIRTH AND INITIATION 253 of each boy sleeps beside him and holds the lad’s penis in his ï¬Ångers, which he warms from time to time at the ï¬Åre. During these twenty days’ seclusion the candidates are taught how to make and play the panpipes (msusm) (see Pl. XVIIIB), a knowledge which is prohibited to women and unincised boys, though these may see and hear them. This instruction is not a chance amusement to keep the lads occupied, but forms a deï¬Ånite part of the programme ; the pipes are regarded as having a certain “ initiation value Other lessons there seem to be none, but the novices are made to Witness at night a number of remarkable performances, innumerable and ingenious “ hoaxes ", which serve to some extent to test them and train them in selt~ control. Such performances seem to be well-nigh endless in variety—their number depends probably on the creative imagine.-. tion of the"performers——but they are all more or less of a single type and they are all connected with ghosts. The following, are descriptions of a few of them. In one, the men sew rough kinds of cloaks made from the leaves of the bastard cotton tree, with a covering for the head and face in which two holes are left for the eyes. They don these cloaks, wrap their feet in leaves, and fasten sticks to their ï¬Ångers to make them look long. Thus garbed, at dead of night, they enter the house where the candidates lie sleeping, and by the faint light of the ï¬Åre they claw and maul the lads, who become prostrate with terror. In another, the men dig ten rather deep holes in a row ; beside these ten men lie down and thrust their heads into them. The head of each man is then covered with leaves and earth and a bamboo is placed across the neck, thus giving a realistic imitation of a headless or beheaded body. Now the candidates are brought out, and terriï¬Åed as they are at the sight half-visible in the darkness, they are forced to go up and touch these headless " devils In a third performance, a. number of men lie down on their backs, in such a way that the feet of one man rest by the head of the next. In this way a ï¬Åle of prostrate bodies is made to reach from the door of the seclusion hut as far as the gongs. Nevar leaves (such as are used for cooking puddings) are then rolled up, strapped around with others and fastened to the men so that they reach, like gigantic penises, from one man's middle, across his belly, chest, and head, almost to the next man’s testicles. These men now lie