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" .4 ..,_ lw A THE N IMANGKI SOCIETY 283 are blackened, while the left side of the trunk and the right leg are coloured red. On the face a red vertical line passes from the upper border of the forehead to the tip of the nose, where it bifurcates, one branch passing to the right corner, the other to the left corner of the mouth; on either cheek is a large black triangle whose base reaches from the region of the temple to the angle of the jaw, its apex lying near the nasal wing (Fig. 15d). For Amel Ewan the body decoration is the same, but the design on the face is rather different (Fig. 14¢). The grades Numbaw r v 4. rt» - ~d,'.», - 1,. A 5-: 7%» ' 9 (A) . I /fa e7 /) J A I in <4) (0 (ii Fm. 14. Designs painted on face and body by members of diï¬Åerent Nimzmglzi grades. 0 ï¬Ånd < ‘ED (a) For grade Nahaumial. (11), (0) 'For grades Neliwis and Nimew. -(,1 For grade zvmml. Q For grade Naamel E1!/M1. ( ) Worn by those who dance tam at the entrance rites to grade Ndmaw. Timbarajï¬Å and Newt N ambar have a different style of ornamenta- tion ; the whole tmnk is covered with vertical lines of different coloured spots: blue-black, yellow, and two varieties of red. This is also the painting employed by members of the Nalawan ranks which bear these names. The colour of Namu and of the highest grade of all, Nam Wenaung, is white. The whole body is covered with lime, and left without other decoration. The