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E la» it 1 -iii 2" " A THE NIMANGKI SOCIETY 293 Tm; ENTRANCE CEREMONIES T0 rm: DIFFERENT Nimangki GRADES The notes describing the rites of entrance to the different Nimangki grades are unfortunately neither very clear nor compre- hensive. For certain ranks such as Nevelvel and Nimwzil there exist fairly complete accounts, but for the most part we have to rely upon the fragmentary jottings in the ï¬Åeld-bnoks. N numb Tileo The ï¬Årst grade which must be entered is N aamb Tilza, “ The Sacred Fire.â€ù Until a boy becomes a member of this he eats with his mother, but afterwards he makes his own ï¬Åre in his father's house. It is on the occasion of his ï¬Årst eating at this, his lowest, N imamgki ï¬Åre that a boy has the lobes of his ears pierced Only after he has entered the next grade, Naari Mbzmgk or Naamb Luh, can he become an inmate ol the amel. When a father considers that his son is old enough to make his ï¬Årst rise in rank, he gives the lad four live pigs and instructs him to present two of these to his mother's brother, and two to his mother's father. These are for the purchase of the " Sacred Fire ", which the maternal uncle kindles for his nephew just outside the door of the amel. The same man than makes the lpviies. It is constructed of a variety of tree-fern, and is quite measuring from about Ift. Bin. to 2ft. high. liloh/pdy»_is carved on it, but only a face which is painted red.‘ iémés is set up is not absolutely certain, though according to one note it is put temporarily inside the amzl itself. Alidund it ‘four posts are planted and joined together by a piece 4‘5f“§€1'Xl9‘Stl‘etCl'l8(1 from one to the other, which is decorated with mfqi raw leaves. In this way a rectangular enclosure is formed about the temes. This structure is called wumbul, from nu/mbu ow meaning " the grave â€ù. When the time has come for the eandidate to receive his new title he stands near his temes, and his mother's brother, standing beside him, pronounces the formula which declares him to be Ambkon.‘ _= According to one note the lace is unpainted, inic on its head ii ï¬Åxed artiï¬Åcial hill; irqn; it eenniin weed called m'm_bru‘ mbuh.—C, 11. w. _ _ or in Ormitwn about this degree I! given by Liiylfd (iezs, pp. 155-6) which in some respects C0l_ll'8dlcLs that of ucacnii. The taco of the Inns: is said w be painted red, White, and black. The efligy X5 planted at the [out 0!