[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] .1 < ll -298 MAL-EKULA , of its own. When all these men have performed, the pig which is to be killed “ for the Nimangki â€ù is brought forward and the candidates conch is broken against its forehead. The animal is afterwards dispatched by blows from the pig-killing hammer. This being over the candidate stands up near his temes, and slapping him on the back the introducer calls out his new title, Barang Telmbwir. - M balmbal In spite of the fact that Nimzmgki M balmbal is the fourteenth grade on the most reliable of Deacon's lists, it belongs to the class ofthe Black N imamgki. It is particularly unfortu11ate_that 1 iLk
Fro. 15. A miuanauu, a ritual object belonging to the Nimangki - grade Mbalmbul. (After a drawing by the author.) the ï¬Årst part of the account of the rites of this degree are untranslated, and since many of the words clearly refer to ceremonial objects, it is not now possible to get any interpretation of them. It seems that one of the objects set up for this grade‘ is a bundle of nevunui sticks similar to that used. for N aai M bim- bump. In addition to this two poles of tartar wood are erected at an angle of - about 50° near the gongs on the side farthest from the amel. Each is surrounded by a hedge composed of a circle of bamboos, outside which is another circle of wild canes, the whole being bound together with coco-nut sinnet intertwined with naai raw leaves. Two objects called mwamwu are -now made. These are long balloon-shaped structures, pointed at eitherend. They are made of a framework of four or ï¬Åve 1