[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
p. 299, n. 2.—I have written no article on the M zmki, a word which I have never used. The pole mentioned is not stated to be " set up near the gongs â€ù, but “ planted inclined towards the gongs (op. c1t., p. 164). Though Deacon's drawing (presumably from oral description) of the navdnauu used in the grade M balmbal differs considerably from my photo- graph, his sketch of the corresponding object used in the grade N imew resembles it more closely. The problem of the probable connection between these two degrees is discussed, op. cit., pp. 177-180 and 194-6, where it is suggested that the object suspended in the grade M balmbal is in the nature of an " anticipatory symbol â€ù for the larger cone in Mew-Langawul (Deacon's Nimew) a suggestion mentioned and discussed on pp‘ 332-4 of the present volume.—]. L.