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CHAPTER XI THE NIMANGKI SOCIETY (ccm£zi.) _ The ceremonies attendant upon entrance to the grades which follow upon Nam“ M bimbamp (other than Mbalmbal) resemble each other in general outline. It is true that there are numerous variations of detail, and as we shall see the rites of Nahmmdal, Naulzzs, Mbat Ru, and Neliwis have certain characters which set these four in a class apart. Nevertheless, since the N imzmgki grade whose entrance ceremonies have been described most fully is Nevelvel, the eighteenth on Deacon's list, it will be well to give an account of these here, in order that the reader may become familiar with the general Nimangki procedure, the constant theme, as it were, upon which a number of variations are played. Neveluel The man who is desirous of entering Nimangki Nevelvzl goes to one who is already a member and, addressing him by his grade title, Muluwun, asks hirn to act as his introducer, saying : "Muluw/am nerirong mmraas nonggob â€ù (“ Muluwun, I wish to set up a stone circle â€ù). If the other is agreeable, he appoints a day when he will come to the candidate's village. When the time has arrived the introducer keeps his appointment, and he and the candidate go into the bush to seek out stones suitable for making the circle called mmggob. These are brought back and kept in the amel, and another day is ï¬Åxed for setting them in place. When this day has come the introducer arrives once more in the candidates village with certain of his mates, and together they dig a hole and set up the stones in a circle round it. For this grade the position of the hole is a little behind and to the left of the emel. A malzmdr bush, a plant characteristic of .a.l1 the higher grades of the Nimangki, and for this reason called malamir mulmz/1m, is torn up by the roots and planted in this hole, and just outside the stone circle a stake called navan mbatia is erected. At the foot of the navzm mlmtia a coco-nut leaf (nerei 301 —— — _i._._._f.._._,_..._.....‘