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a .~ Q1 i» aw = X. 3; 9' ..'.,.;4-_ 4., _. ,_. ‘ll av. Hui
"“ ' ~ ti >_t;§ . ‘"1, =5: . 4 THE NIMANGKI SOCIETY 315 the evening of the fourth day the gongs beat aisumpndew and the next morning the rites of the Nimungki begin in good earnest. The dancing of mu, the presentation of a pig by the introducer to the candidate (for this grade one of {map status), the investing of the candidate with the new pig's tusk and the payment for this are performed in the usual manner, the actual investiture being done by the introducer’s assistant. For this grade the tusk and nevflltin newt stone are w-rapped in torambon leaves and the two men circle round the principal temes (the names nuaim) as well as round the gangs. At the same time that the assistant puts the pig's tusk bracelet on to the candidate's right wrist he places on the left one another variety of arm ornament called nilal, which was also wrapped in the torambzm leaves, but what kind of armlet or bracelet this may be we do not know. ~~ There now follows the continued dancing of lam throughout the night and the performance of the torch dance. After this oomes breakfast and then the decoration of one of the seniors and his execution of the hawk-dance. For this grade it seems that 'he‘ wears the nekambat (spider’s web head-dross) and the lï¬Ållet hetel muluwun, but the designs of his body-painting are not recorded. When this. rite is over the candidate purchases his -"newqhawk's feather, and accompanied by many other men he gretiresitovthe mahmhal to don his ceremonial garb. He is painted red all over with the black marks of the terew bird on his face ; ., I11 -_-I of wamzrangk on his legs and the ï¬Ållet Mai lislis i head ; in his hair are stuck many hawk’s feathers, and ii_!,i,vï¬Å$*5 ';'e§>g'dt'ithe.t1ack several red mhwingmbwingamb leavcs. “*3 ‘ ltiat .theb'ac‘k there is also thrust an unopened coco-nut jlqifti intfdthiiwsectidns (comparable to a similar frond cut in thicki'seiz'tidns ‘which ‘isiworn by 'the candidate for Nimu/ail) and just below‘ his knees is fastened a pair of garters made, as ~is -the mtalymulm/mm, of mbirij: leaf. Thus adorned he comes '1out~ on to' the dancing ground once more, and the ceremonies -continue in their due order until at the end the candidate stands -upibeside the principal temes and receives his new name. 3» ~ At some time during the ceremonies, perhaps after the investiture with the pig's tusk bracelet, and corresponding with ‘the'rite- of “the bringing of the cycas“ in Nimweil, there is _.perforrned a rite which is not unlike a ball game. Men of all ‘ranks assemble on the dancing ground and form up into two r:= .1-