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H if it Ql ll I‘? J It, ll‘ ii‘ :1‘ H ll‘ *1 ll it in Hi I4] lh
“ll eh W “l ‘l ‘l ‘H '| ‘J ii 318 MALEKULA sounded, and the next morning the guests arrive to sing and dance tour. They then go to the matanhal and there crown the nai/an mbulia with a. coco-nut. This done they form into a procession ; in the middle walks one oi the seniors carrying over his left shoulder a stick of melu (kava) bush which appears to be bent into a hoop or bow ; two other men carry conches on which they blow alternate notes, this being called immdm mbal m, while others again man the gongs and beat mm‘ rm mflflitlï¬Ål The procession moves from the matanhal, walks round the gongs, back round the temzs in the mahmhal, round the gongs once more, and again round the tomes. This circumambulation being over, the melu stick is taken from the senior and placed on the tzmes.‘ The candidate then kills a pig in the matanhul and pays others to his introducer for the nawm mbatia, the naai ndvï¬Åh, and for some third object called nai/an meta, which may possibly be the coco-nut which was set on top of the mwan mbalia. This ï¬Ånally ends the preparations and the guests return yet again to their villages. Two days pass uneventfully but on the evening of the third day aisumpmlew is sounded once more and the iollowing morning the people arrive ti: take part in tho. most important of the entrance rites. These proceed in much the same way as has been described for other grades. Teuris danced ; the introrlucer presents his pig to the candidate, and the pig's tusk bracelet is given and paid for,‘ On this occasion it and the nwimm newt are enclosed in a sisal leaf, and the candidate places his wrist against the tomes, which was sot up under the mbuug up in the dancing ground. The candidate now plants a number of sisal sprays around the foot of this tomes. When this is done one of the seniors calls out " Litamate ", and adds, addressing the candidate, " Nehm Ahmgk ".’ As he utters this last word the candidate makes a loud report by "exploding" 1 This is not quite clear, hilt it seems that the hoop OI’ bow is hung OVCX the Imus mblzl min the mIlanhnI.—C. H. W, = Apparently the Hull hiihm ii not given to the candidate at BDTXMICD to Mbnt R11.-—C. 1-l. w. ' Here the hem BIB not very clear, but presumably this iize mieiiihles the calling hl uimih and the blowing of the COl1Cl'l0S which have been described in this 6E|('.l'8l1Cu Ceremflniel to Nimangln‘ Nsrlisli/zl, iilthmlgll eh this occasion the nth take! place iippaiehtly just before the nightly dancing hi my and not after the midi dance (to which D0 1‘eI€.'€nc€ is made here). It is, however, very curious that the candidate should be given his title ï¬Åt the close of the Inimaii rite, ih al1tiCipl!!l0n HS it were Oi the mhaihdei of the entrance ceremonies. 3! well 8! it their close. It is possible that the iniflnnlflt intended CO imply that the man who called Iiiamala was the one who ï¬Ånally conferred the title, hut that he C011- Ierred it at this point in the c¢l'6I.I10I1iES.—C- I-I. w. ill _ .-fl il 1 .1; ,. . ‘ X /‘ll i £1 i ,1 l , ) 1 04