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‘l .l‘ , l' ll‘ ll 1 F L_ CHAPTER XII ‘ THE NIMANGKI AND NELEMEW OF NORTH AND EAST MALEKULA Turning to the districts north of Seniang we ï¬Ånd that until recently the people of Mewun had nothing which truly corresponded to the Nimangki. It is said that among them there were only two ï¬Åres, one for the men and one for the’ women. Nevertheless it appears that a man could acquire prestige by erecting a club-house and that the privilege of doing this could only be purchased from a man who had himself already constructed one. The transaction involved, apparently, the payment of pigs and the performance of a dance called m'te1/-1 hut naai or tauga, which probably corresponded to the tam of Seniang. N0 images were set up equivalent to the Seniang tamer. Within living memory, however, the people of Mewun have borrowed the Nimangki organization from their southern neighbours in a somewhat simpliï¬Åed form, but beyond this fact we know nothing of it, neither of the grade names, nor of the entrance ceremonies, nor oi the ritual objects associated with them. Inland,‘ among the people of Laus, the N imangki is not known and, though the evidence is negative, this is also true probably of other bush-folk such as the Naan Bugoi and the people of Learop, Uerik, and Bangnsa. So intimate is the association of the amel, the men’s club-house, with the Nimangki in South- West Bay, that when the men of Laus visit the latter district, they are not allowed to enter the amal, but are given a dwelling in that part of the village which is igah, among the other huts, and are regarded as " all same woman ". In the districts of Lambumbu, Laravat, and presumably Lagalag, however, the Nimang/vi was once a flourishing and vital institution (though rather diftcrent in its organization from the society of this name in Seniang), and its presence throughout the whole of the north, north-west, and north-east of Malekula is almost certain. But Deacon did not stay in Lambumbu and 34° 1 .~s.e=.».:.' . _- u-_c_ 1/ 1 . <1 !L_>.§ t; -.3‘ a 5"
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