[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] 342 MALEKULA somewhat greater elaboration of the rites, the performance of the dance nimbwelan, and the erection of a tembwat, but what this object may be is unfortunately not recorded. The personal names or titles which a man can buy seem to be grouped as follows :— (1) Vilvil, Bwil. (2) Harten, Melmel, Tovtop. (3) Ruhvaru Mial, Tesragh, Sesien, Kukan, Mbulmbul. (4) Metenma1,1 Laghau, Tsuliinl (5) Ronglili, Tesnrel, Morumbun, Salsalmal, Vilienmal. (6) Sesai, Raghlili. (7) Tes, Nambwi-t, Tavtismal, Taviirmal, Uren. (8) Tolili. (9) Rus Nevat. (10) Saghsaghmal. ' Among these we can recognize a few that resemble the grade names or grade titles of the Seniang N imang/zi, Vilvil, Mbwil, and Mbulmbul correspond almost certainly to Nevelvel, Nimweil, and Mbalmbal, but beyond these there seems to be no similarity between the northern and southern districts, and there is perhaps even less between Lambumbu and the south-east. Ruhvaru is entered rather doubtfully as a grade in Senbarei and it is possible that Saghsaghmal may have some connection with Mal} the highest rank at Port Sandwich. For the most part we are ignorant of the meaning of these names‘ Metenmal, for which the word Namal is sometimes used as an abbreviation, is the name of a reef ; Ronglili is said to signify " hears it close up ", and Rusnevat “ tie to a stone ". There is also a statement to the effect that Tes is the same as nesnimzar and is to be interpreted “ the man is cross â€ù. ' _ In addition to this list of Nimangki titles, three other lists are recorded from Lambumbu or Lagalag, and one from Laravat :— Lambumbu 1. Lambumbu II. Lambumbu III. Larm/at. Vilvil Vilvil Bwil Mbwil Harten Harden Harten T('ivt6p Tiivtiip Tesra Tesragh Melmel 1 One brief note states that in Lambumbu this name takes the form of Vetn1al.—C. H. W. * Sagh sag}: means, apparently, "to climb up_â€ù—C. I-I4 W. i 2;! s; oz. . “‘z»Y 1 .‘ ., ‘ _= 11;. _ 1' it I ' . l 5' ,. ti ‘Iii " EM ll ¢. .~ f 1. '~ 7 atjr 3!: at t -W» it '1' P .9‘, J;$1 t T 8 I 1: '* 1 El ' -'7: ea, , .=‘=' it ~¢ I Er 5, 5': 1 L 5%-' 5 *