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, ', tn ~ THE NIMANGKI AND NELEMEW 381 ‘_ The appearance of the lemcj set up for these grades is not recorded. l 1 For the Succeeding grade, Lnkjmro, however, a pit is dug and I ,i the earth thrown up in a mound on eithcr side. In this hollow 1 , is planted a wooden image, carved with a full length male ï¬Ågure, showing testicles and penis, and round ahout it are placed cycas tr leaves and the flowers called mlsas. Over it a small house is ‘i built, comprising two walls and one side oi a sloping root of the usual Malekulan form (see Fig. 21). Where the pigs are killed is not mentioned. At entrance to the highest grade of all, no ri tzmij is made, and instead of the platform used in Mwelnm a kind of stone tower is constructed around the foot of which .¢,:-,7»/,3 ;',';,;-4.; 4,3 -'- v - /, M / y ~ I I V l M / /, ll me. 21. Diagrarnmntlc sketch ol the lemij for the Nimanflhi grade 1,0/my». Viuibaut (Pun. Sandwich). cycas leaves arc laid. This is built near the rnerfs club-house (naghamal), and on it the candidate kills a number of pigs. l Other pigs are also killed in the house of a man of Mal, which is surrounded by a high stone wall.‘ Unlike the Nimmigki of Seniang, it is said that at Vanbaut there are certain masks, also called lemij, which are kept in the men's house and which “ belong to" the Nimzmgki, although they are not used in the ceremonies accompanying a rise in rank. It is probable, however, that in this the inlormant—-a man working ll at the French Residency—was either himself mistaken or conveyed a wrong impression. These masks are the same as l those called rujii at Port Sandwich and correspond to the mm ll ‘ lt is not quite Clear whether this is the house of one who is already a man oi Mal, a “ chief ", or 01 the candidate, who has built it as a part 0! the prepara- tions for his entrance to this xanl£.—C. H. W. ll “J,