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l'i l. ii Vii ‘ l iii I Y , l’"l ll ~i‘=§lI 1 i 1‘ |. H ii ii ll ll ll Mill . cl ill ~ll-. l l 1‘l .1 “ l‘ 4 Kl‘ ll; . ' l,:§“‘ fl iii} ll 1 l' 396 MALEKULA characteristic of the grade, and one of the same status for the spear (namns) used to kill the principal pig which is paid probably for the “ entrance to the Nalawan ", which entrance is symbolized by the new title acquired by the candidate, though what this is we do not know. After the rites are over the am! built for the occasion is used by the new member for eating in.‘ The preparations for Numbou Vamrwsur are probably similar to those of the preceding grade, but the account of them is very fragmentary and diflicult to interpret. A banana is planted and to it are fastened four red objects called nivnbaap mama! together with some yams oi a variety named nimbaai ldltllu (“ yellow yams ") and certain other decorations called mkei/vinu. A number of balloon-like objects termed mwzm mesur are then manufactured, though how this is done is far from clear. It seems, however, that they are made from a fruit called muleul, which is hollowed out and then “ blown up like a football â€ù. It is certain that these navan mesur are held to be very sacred, for they are made in that holy of holies amid the trees which stand immediately behind the umel and, after they have been completed and hung upon the decorated banana tree; the candidate pays a pig for the privilege of having them shown to him. Five other pigs are also paid : one for the nimbaaï¬Å, one for the making of the mzuzm masur, and one for each of the three undescribed objects, naai kumblzt, Mai sisal, and the matamai.‘ For entrance to this grade, as for entrance to Nalau/an Numbau Ncmen, it seems that there is no dancing and no distinctive mask, nor apparently is any new title given to the candidate. N alawan N aainggol The man who wishes to enter the Nalawan Naainggol, the ï¬Årst of the compulsory series to be taken by adults, seeks out someone to act as his introducer and ï¬Åxes an approximate date for the ceremonies to take place. The candidate and his friends 1 A separate lieu runs ; " It a man dies who has ma/de many numbou new-n. 1 Curresponding flumbflf Of bananas are planted outside the mu." The meaning of this is obscure, but it suggests mic it is possible fl)!‘ a man to enter this grade more than once.—C. H. W. I It is just possible that matamitt is an alternative spelling ior the word motomot or molmot, the wooden hammer used for killing pigs. It this he so, men the payment mi the Wm-Mt may well CO11'e!pflflCl to the payment for the 51163.1’ with which the sacriï¬Åcial pig is killed iii the preceding grade, though we have no evidence that lllï¬Åh B hammer is employed lei this purpose at entrance to Nalaunm Numbou Va/nm¢sur.—-C. H. W. || "ll f
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