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01 I v“r:~ ‘iii, M ii I i ‘-i ‘i X‘; 1,‘ ll‘ ii, 1 é} igi: 426 MALEKULA face. Some of the masks, however, are constructed from a spider's web and are called by the same name as the spider's web head~dress donned by men of high Nimangki rank, that is nekambat. These are only worn by members of high Nalawan grades. Both the nekambal and the ordinary temes mbuhnbal arc, apparently, regarded as more or less sacred, and it is said that a man who is unmarried is afraid to make Nalau/an masks lest in future some harm should befall his children, the assumption being perhaps that for a young man to make these masks is an act of presumption. The tame: mbal/mbal are worn by members of the Nalawan during the ceremony of " stoning " or " shooting at " the Nalawan structure, each man wearing the mask of the highest grade to which he is entitled. It has been said that each grade has its own distinctive masks, but how far this is true or whether they are not rather associated with the acquisition of certain privileges purchased during the ceremonies of rising in rank, is not certain. On this matter Deacon writes :- "I am still doubtful about the correspondence of masks and hats with diflerent Nalawans. It appears rather that each mask or hat is associated with a. deï¬Ånite function rather than» with :1 deï¬Ånite Nalawan. Thus, I am assured that the Napal hat is put on for the ï¬Årst time when a man ‘ stones the pig ’. It is always worn by the man who shoots with bow and arrow at the ‘ Nalawan structure’, the sasmandm, or whatever it may be. It appears, therefore, that the association of the Napal with Nalawan Nimb~ wilei is simply due to the fact that by the time a man is making these Nalawans, he will already have ‘stoned the pig ' and will therefore have the right of ' stoning ' the Nalawan structures and of wearing the Nnpnl hat." It seems probable, however, that the following correspondencies between the type of mask and grade membership are more or less constant. The grade Nuamel Limbu, which is entered in childhood, is associated with a mask called tame: popes. It is said to have neither a bamboo frame nor any face painted upon it, but to be made wholly oi spider-'s web, which covers the head of the wearer. It is interesting that this material should be used for so low a grade, since in general it is characteristic of the higher Nalau/an. Tamas numbetep is the name of the hat " belonging to " Naainggol. It is made of a bamboo framework covered with leaves of the bread-fruit tree (mbetep) from which it takes its name. Like the temzs poï¬Åos it has no face painted upon it. ,- 1.1 ». L-i .,_~. T,‘
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