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. i THE NALAWAN SOCIETY 429 are frightened when it appears from the matamhal. It is possible that the hat-mask called temes malau is actually the mzpal hat, and that the face represented on it is that of Temes Malau himself.‘ This being is a mythical old man with_a large beard who lives underground beneath a stone on a small island called Nour Tomboi off the coast near the village of Benaur. From time to time he comes out of the ground and goes to take part in dances i.n some distant place. When pigs are killed one is given to him, but he does not eat it. In what way he is specially associated with the N alawan Nimbwilei there is no recorded myth to tell us, but at entrance to these grades a croton with red leaves is planted and the masks temes malau are tied to it at some distance above the ground ; round this a smaller circle of crotons is set within which the pigs for the N alazmm are killed. Of the higher N alawan grades we know that Numbou, Timbamgb has a spider’s-web head- dress, but there is no account of its method of manufacture. The highest grade of all the ordinary Nalawan, Atim Bwitian, has a mask which is called after the giant ogress Nevinmbumbaau. This is a true mask and not only a hat, for the upper part covers the entire head of the wearer, and attached to it is a flowing cloak of tree-fern bark, which hides the rest of his body. . The insignia of the very high grades to which only men of exceptional wealth ever attain are unknown. The aim hat of Nalau/an Vinbamj) has already been described; though larger than most, it appears to be similar in style to other temes mbalmbal. THE Nalawan IN OTHER DISTRICTS or MALEKULA Although the information about the Nalawz/m was obtained in Seniang and Wilemp districts, Deacon was able to satisfy himself that the institution had a much wider distribution, both in Malekula and in the neighbouring island of Ambryrn. From the south coast of Malekula, to the east of Milip, he collected a list of the Nalawom grades, and as will be seen, several of the 1 It is recorded that the masks behind which the candidates to Naluwan Vinbamp sit during the ceremony which releases them from their seclusion are similar to, but considerably smaller than, the mask temes mrzlau. Whether this refers to the hat or to the wooden disguise of this name is not clear, but from the fact that they are called nitauis, and that, though much smaller than the temes malau, these Nalawan vinbamp masks completely cover the faces of the candidates, it is very possible that it is to the wooden disguises that Deacon was likening them.-—C. H. W. ‘ vl 2 1 . 1 . _. _ 4 r in l i