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CHAPTER XIV THE NIMANGKI TLEL AND THE NELAN SOCIETIES Tm; Nimangki Tlel or LAMBUMBU Besides the Nimzmgki Taghah, or “ Profane Nimangki ", which in Lambumbu is a purely secular association, there exists in this district the genuinely secret society called Nimangki Tlel, malning the " Sacred Nimangki ". It is found throughout the district of Lambumbu and in the villages to the south, such as Vuliembet, Vanetaghol, and Hut Mi.nbu1. How far it extends into the mountainous interior is not known, but it is probably present in Nesan and Mindu. This society seems to be practically independent of the Nimangki Taghah, and the informants were questioned several times as to why it should be called a Nimangki at all, for as will be seen, it is very different from the ordinary Nimangki. The answers given show that both institutions were classed together because in both the man entering the association buys certain sacred things, nisil tlel. But while in the Nimangki Taghah these may be scan and inspected and even worked by non—membcrs (the women make the n'cn’s girdles and penis wrappers) in the N imnmgki T lel their manufacture and nature are closely guarded secrets. It seems, then, that there is in the native mind an idea that the Nimangki Taghah and the Nimangki Tlzl are connected in that both centre round objects which are holy or tlel. At ï¬Årst sight the Nimanglzi Tlel appears to be divided into four grades: Nimangki Misi, Naai Rirmzp, Nani Morï¬Åh, and N611/n‘ Tavï¬Åt. A closer examination shows, however, that the names of the ï¬Årst two are used almost interchangeably, that they share a common ceremonial and have sacred objects of the same type. This is also true of the Nani M [M711 and Ndwzi Tar/6t. Between the sc two pairs, on the other hand, there is a profound ditierence, and we ï¬Ånd indeed that the Nimangki Tlel is regarded as being fundamentally constituted of two societies which are in opposition to one another, and in theory at least mutually exclusive. Nimangki Miei and Nam‘ Rivrap are really variations 436 vzeaaiasezsxaa .7$§“1'1*%fl€§§5:9
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