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' THE NIMANGKI TLEI. socnarv 457 ‘V-' grades. The former may be conveniently termed " novices " " (mugh 1/el), the latter “ candidates " (barang). A group of novices =~ usually undergo initiation together, but entrance to a certain '_.- grade is often done individually. It is not until 'a novice has 5 passed through the initiation rites and acquired the title oi 1‘ Banmg that he is eligible for membership of the lowest rank. 7° It seems that the initiation of novices was the occasion on which " any man who already held the title of Barang could enter a higher grade. The time when this should take place was decided in the main by the senior member of the highest rank, Barzmg T7 ' Bwiliul, the principal authority in the society. He held the title ii‘ of Mugh rim N zlim, and his wife alone of all women was permitted ii’ to be present at the rites. She was allowed to enter the house in‘ which the candidates were secluded and she took pm in the ii dance nvunim which belonged to the society. Further, during " the period oi seclusion any member of the N slam 1 who cared to come to her house for the purpose, had the right to lie with ;Â¥ her, provided that he were not within the prohibited degree of relationship. She might cohabit thus with several men in one night“ This more or less promiscuous intercourse was known as '5 , i‘Ishowing the N clan to the wiie oi the Mugh new N elan ". Her husband .was in no way opposed to the practice, indeed he helped td,1_a-tirangeiit;-ifor it was recognized as a part of the society's pi ‘ nergmonialviz -V_iiJ -, -'i="‘ti; "!’i::."f{=_'1¢ lgeegiaflere a» house was built in which they were kept " 4l“‘i':'5?5'ii iiipig, hundred days. This period was ushered in by Q5 i'§§’§§;‘{¢}irggj;liyslqahiordeal<<ȤiPhe candidates were led by a member Ki, iit‘z‘,nl;i‘oi‘lb,eP;l;iyl7_l'c1-il8.I{d§$itiwwhichY had .been prepared beforehand. > ~ zllntoithisizttieyiwerefforeed toidexseend and were then beaten with ,1, iéayves uif I theflnettle. "~ .(Pi)=seorpions were thrown‘ in on top of them. After a time they ‘ -were: allowed to come up out of the pit and enter the house. J K}I€l'C' they had to remain unwashed and with blackened faces. , For -the ï¬Årst ten .days, too, they were rubbed all over with nettle- ,tree leaves, their thighs, calves, back, and neck. Each novice ,_ was looked after by a. guardian (limbut) who was already a .‘~ ' rnembenof the Nolan, and this man alone might speak to or I It is possible that any man oi the district whether he were a member 1; _ oi the mm» or no might cohabit wiui this Wfllliflfl. -rm informant was not ._ _M clear upfln this p0int.-—A- B. D.
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