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NEVINBUR, NELENG, AND NIMBE'EI 473 their ï¬Årst position. They, too, sing as they dance: “ Bamwas mimg mimg.â€ù 1 Vhen these three pairs of men have ï¬Ånished their per- formance, the man called namlml dances down the ground until he is in front of the main body. As he goes he moves his arms in imitation of the flapping wings of the mtmbal hawk. He then dances before the nimbongan neleng, chanting the while: " Si mas nzleng mbnl mleng sin’ nu leng mm mm." The meaning of these words is not known and they are presumably in the same language as is the song of the mravw. When the nambal has ï¬Ånished dancing, the two neteskew advance, and follow the same track through the nimbongon neleng and round the nerumbas that the two bowmen followed. The meaning of their song also is unknown ; the words run: “ Si mas ndarleng mbel mbez £1444 ririnu lm mbm/us." From the left-hand side of the dancing ground the nimorot kzvini nelmg now comes forward, draws his bow, and pretends to shoot at the main body of dancers. As he pulls the bow-string taut, the latter back away from him ; then he slackens it and they advance once more. Thus they continue for some little time, alternately advancing and retreating, while the nivnurot kwini mleng sings his song: " Kwim' nesap man kevini nilemes 1/so lmg mar mur kwini mlmg mbal lmg mar mar.â€ù ' . When this movement is completed, the principal performer, nézumbas, who all this while has been dancing in his position “bohindllthe nimbongon mleng, begins to chant: " Tok, tok ndar leflgizmflullmg mar ialiaLâ€ù “ 1—Ie moves forwards and threads the‘bolurnns' of the main body, beginning at the right and passing between. the ï¬Åfth and iourth, fourth and third, third and second, second and ï¬Årst, down the left-hand side of the ï¬Årst, and then turning retires to his original position. He now advances again and begins to dance the round of all the positions, visiting each in turn as it were, ï¬Årst those on the right side of the ground, then the mnw/, and so across to the men on the left-hand side. He ï¬Ånishes by threading the ï¬Årst four columns of the main body and takes up his position to the left of the leader of the ï¬Årst l Banalnls mea-us “afl0W", but in what language the informant could not 53%. The meaning of mlang ndmg is not known.--A. B. D, I he informant an not know the meaning oi this. Some isolated words can be translated; kainlwl = “ shoot "; ma» s; " bird "; nilamei = " the ghost!"; we is some bird, apparently tho frigate bird. * lmg mar wlml = " the two wmds sing " ; (inlial = "he sings ").~—A. B. 1).
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