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PW .. 4; ii. ll
‘I l; l. ll Tl fl ii ii ll i Iii. ll ll ii ll l’ ‘l , ‘ll .1 ll ill“ l-ll 486 MALEKULA of the rites is called nimbwi mzlapas, and during it the candidate appears wearing the sacred Lapas head-dress for the ï¬Årst time. When the dancing is over the new title is conferred ; either Likan Mbuas or Likan Ruovun. At entrance to the third grade, Nevin Tan", two houses are built, a small one inside a larger one. A nimbat mum‘ is made and erected also inside the latter to form the front post of the small house} Inside this again a banana of the variety called mmggut marot is planted. This is the banana which ordinarily no woman may eat, it being "the banana of men â€ù, but this grade is suï¬Åieiently exalted to permit of its members trespassing thus upon the men's sphere,‘ Another object which is usually regarded as the property of men exclusively is a certain variety of yam known as ninggaris or nimbuai metemel, and this, too, members of Nevin Tari may eat. A ï¬Åre is made inside the smaller house and one of these yams is roasted on it and then eaten.‘ The candidate pays a sow for the mmggut moral ; another for the yam and, as in the earlier grades, other sows are paid for the lemes, the mat~skirt, and other objects associated with the degree. At the close of the ceremonies the candidate, standing by the door of the larger house, receives her new title, Nevin "ran. For very many ycars now no woman has ascended higher than this in the social scale. Nothing is remembered of the rites of Nzvi ngasngas save that the house erected for them is built like a model amel oi bamhoos instead of wild canes. Of the highest rank, Linggul, only the name is known. Briefly as these ceremonies have been described, yet on comparing them with those performed by the men in connection with the Nimlmgki and Nalau/an, one cannot but be struck by certain similarities, as for instance the building of an anul or of a hut representing it, the erection of and payment for the tcmrs and the purchase of certain insignia of rank as the imitation pig's tusk armshell, the turtle~shell armlet and the sacred head- dress melemzt Mend. Further, at entrance to every grade of the Nimangki, a man kills a special pig, said to be " for the Nimangki ". I According to the note. although the nimbal Mum; is erected as though it rmee p0!C of the smaller hut, it does not actually flupporii the 1'O0f.——- I A» the inlnrmant expressed it, such a woman is "close up ilao though, needless to add, this dues n01:,m8€.h that such a woman is really rm, but rather that her ham 1 ‘ah‘ are 1 1 t 2.-c.1r.w. q yosg lsp icuarypoan ' Presumably by the candidate horsel!l—C. H. W. f{=, . ;.;
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