Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86580<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

beside the girl's head is a tare leaf (nzselflng) ï¬Ålled with water
into which the blood from the wound flows.‘ When the teeth
have been removed the girl continues to remain in seclusion for
another ten days, after which she is allowed to return home to
her father or husband and resume her normal life. It may be
at this point in the proceedings, or it may he on the evening of
the day on which the incisors were knocked out, that the dance
naawiis nembelnng is performed. This is the dance which is
specially associated with nimbaghai and with other ceremonies
oonneeted with a woman's rise in social status. The men gather
together and sing the song called mam mrï¬Åt, to which they mark
time with bamboo sticks which they beat on the ground; the
women meanwhile do the dancing. On the morning after this
performance the father or husband of the candidate makes the
necessary payments for these ceremonies. One pig is given to
her maternal uncle ; one to each of her grandfathers ; and one
to her paternal aunt. The old woman who did the operation,
the nimogh temu, is also recompcnsed for her trouble, but we are
not told what is given to her.â€ù
It seems that to go through the nimlzaglxai rites is the ï¬Årst
step to he taken in ascending the social ladder. After this a
woman can gain further importance by means of giving—— or
rather by her husband giving on her behalf —a successive number
of feasts. These feasts are classed collectively as Lughlughian,
and are said to correspond to the nelemzw oi the men ; they are
even sometimes spoken of as Mlemew laghah, that is “ the unclean
nelemew ". The general rule is for a girl to have her ï¬Årst lug};-
lughizm ieast immediately after the extraction of her teeth,
forming as it were an integral part 0! the mmbaghai ceremony.
She comes out of the nium tï¬Åmbu/aY—probably at the end of her
last ten days’ seclusion-—and after distributing pigs to certain
people (who they are is not mentioned) she is dubbed with her
new title, Vwitar Mbwil.’
I According to dn= note the girl is made to lie on a bed of taro leaves dining
21¢ dpglnzidn, The accuracy ni this statement is probably qu:5ti0nuble.—~
I The notes further suggest that the candidate herself is paid ior having
undergone the operation, but this seems very im rubable. A more correct
interpretation would seem to be that her father Or iiusband gives her the pigs,
flehï¬Åhmhen hands over to the l'€i3.ClV!¢S mentioned above nnd to the operator.
= It seems possible um these pigs given for her new title are C119 same 85
those, mentioned above, which are given to her maternal uncle, her grand-
iathers, nnd paternal nnnc. Before she has purchased this title she ranks Vwitar
Vilv-il.—C. H. w.
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Object(s) ID 86580
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 582 / 901
Filesize 442 Kb | 966 x 1435 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2025/3/13]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86580). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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