[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] v P _i 4 _v,_ ’ "1 DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD 525 is of any use,â€ù they say, " let our gardens become a wilderness, let us block the way to the outer world, so that none may pass through our village or come to visit us." The broken trees and shrubs are not cleared away until weeks or months after the period of mourning is at an end, and no man journeying to or from the village would dare to remove these obstacles from the public ways. It is not on the death of all men, or even of all men of importance, that this devastation is wrought. The privilege of being honoured in this way is purchased optionally at entrance to certain N alawzm grades, as, for instance, N alawan Nimbwilei Tonggar. The period between the laying of the corpse on the stretcher and the holding of the death-feast (nimesian) varies; in the ceremonies for Apwil Naandu ï¬Åve days elapsed. On the fourth day the men of his village went out and gathered bushes of four plants, croton, nmbrï¬Å nembangk, tomes mmbumbal, and nimbangk. A fence was erected round the gongs, and these bushes were planted outside it. This was done because Apwil Naandu was a member of the Nalawam Nimbwilei. In honour of his belonging also to the Nala-wan grades Nisamp and Numbuaimbamp, the structures which bear these names were built on the dancing- ground close to the amel, and round these and outside the amel more of these bushes were planted together with bamboos some twenty feet high‘ The newt nambar of the deceased was then removed once more and set up close to his house outside, with mahmdr muhmmm, nimbangk, hibiscus, and nisisal bushes planted close by, these being tokens of the higher Nimangki grades, the last two belonging especially to Newt Nambar. Just inside the screen which runs along the mmi save another stand (naai var) was made for the stretcher similar to that which had been set up in the house, with only two upright “ davits â€ù ; like the ï¬Årst naai var, erected near the gongs, this one was decorated with unpainted skulls placed one on each of the uprights. Crotons, mbwingmbwingamb, malamir luhlt, and neru wivar bushes were planted round it. The amel was decorated with mbwingmbwingamb bushes, the croton nembini and other shrubs, just as it is for entrance into the grades Naamel Sesmamim and Nimbatm Naamel of the Nalawau, and uprooted banana trees were laid against its roof. Whilst all these preparations were going forward, the tamer mainggol were blown continuously