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548 MALEKULA Further, should a man dream that someone who is alive comes and talks with him, it is thought that it is the nimwinin of this person which has come. At the same time, however, the natives do not apparently go so far as to say that the body of a man thus met in a dream is temporarily without its nimwinin. There are certain localities which have the property of producing apparitions of people who are really distant at the time. Thus one day Limar, the wife of Roovun, a school teacher, was walking past such a place in company with another woman. Presently they saw what they believed to he Roovun coming to meet them, but he suddenly disappeared among the trees. They looked for him but they could not ï¬Ånd him. Some time later he came up and they said: "Where have you been all this time ? We saw you here before,“ But he denied having been in that place earlier in the day. These apparitions are not regarded quite as flames ; they are only a peculiarity of such places, like mirages in the desert. The pig and certain plants are also believed to have nimwinin. That of the pig is called nimnï¬Ån. The nivmzdm of a pig of well- developed tusk-curvature, as for instance, one of imaap or higher grade, is powerful, more powerful even than the spirit of some human beings. Thus if a small boy were to partake of the flesh of a pig of high grade, the mlminviin of the animal would be stronger than the nimwinin of the child and would devour it, so that the boy would die. Should a child who has eaten the flesh of one of these big pigs be seen to scratch himself a great deal, it is said that it is the nivï¬Ånvtin which is too strong for him and is causing the itch. Other animals of less importance, such as dogs and fowls, do not possess niviinviin. The plants which have spirits or souls are sacred ones, mzui ilen. They include the cycas (nimweil), the cordylines (mzari), mlml mm? (a tree used in a certain variety of death magic), ninggalat mbu 0 (to which variety belongs the tree whence the people of Loorlanggalat are descended), and mini mala. Curiously enough the croton, although it is a mini ileo, has no spirit. The spirit of the naai mala can he frequently seen at night in the bush and in this visible form it is known as temes mbat ai and is one of the principal non~human bush spirits. Sometimes these “sacred trees â€ù, especially the mbal avrrr, are heard to give small explosive sounds, when the bark cracks, and the sap or " blood " of the tree is seen to exude.