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DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD 561 v the head and hence oflicial magician of one of the I of the clan of Melpmes. A, ,Taghalut was ill, and one day, when rnost of the people were flown on the beach, ï¬Åshing and eating their catch, someone called down from the village telling them that they tarried too long for their " father â€ù was dead. This happened at sunset and throughout that night the people heard the ghosts throwing stones and shells at the dead man's house. In the morning the funeral rites began. The gangs were beaten with the rhythms pt the Nimangki grades of which Taghalut had been a member, and pigs were killed and distributed as they were at the funeral of Apwil Naandu in Seniang.‘ The corpse was then covered with nnrovu leaves, imd carried to the grave, in which it was laid with the feet pointing to the cast, the head to the west.“ N0 food might be placed withit, for should anything, as, for instance, :1 coco~nut, have even fallen into the grave, then all the coco—nuts of the district would have rotted away as the body rotted. One of the sacred cylindrical pots, was placed over the [ace of the corpse so that the upper edge projected above ground. The grave was then ï¬Ålled in, the mouth of the cylinder alone being left open. Five days later, when the nambal hawk was supposed to have peeked out and carried off the eyes of the deceased, the relatives of Taghalut returned and closed this opening. The men of Mclpmes, other than the namughut nagho, or heads of the ten “ houses ", are apparently exposed upon a bier in the usual way, and every year at the celebration of the N ngho T ilabu/0 or “ Making of Man â€ù the skulls of thosc who have died during the past twelve months are gathered together and added to the heap which lies just outside the building known as “ The House of Butwanabaghap ", a hut standing in the sacred place (logho) of Melpmes. - BELIEFS CONCERNING THE Soul. The people of Mcwun recognize a distinction between the soul which they call niridilmane, and which is said to dwell in p I Sn runs the note. It is a. little vague, since pigs were killed at diflerent mtetvals during Apwil Nasiidirs rims; presumably this l't!fH!§ to the ï¬Årst ol these distributions Unfortunately no flirt]-Km‘ details no given mini Mew|n.— c. H. w ' ' - -rs; statement in uis notes is to the eflect that the mi-pss laced casts l <1 Since it is prone, it seems pmbnblo um what is meant is that the body is p ace in such 1 position um on arising it Wmlld face the east so as to see the morning sun rise, even IS Binwsiinssghip had dune. See ciispcsi xx_r._c. n. w.