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DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD 575 LARAVAT customs of Laravat are in general similar to those ‘but certain differences must be noticed. In the place, although here as in Lambumbu the skulls of the dead preserved, they are not kept in l.ittle stone-built chambers the sacred place (wut maul) of the clan. The position is indeed for it is the skulls of ordinary men which are placed use, while those oi sorcerers, wind-makers, and of such men, together with the bones, are taken to the not the place whither in life each had gone to perform his and there they are left enclosed in a small stone chamber to those made for the skulls of most men in Lambumbu. the ritual connected with the burial of the body, too, there what may be regarded as minor differences, as, for instance, normally there are iour instead of two grave diggers: one cover the head, one to cover the chest, one to cover the belly, and the fourth to cover the legs and feet. Perhaps the most (striking of these differences is found in the ceremony which is performed on the ninth day after death. Instead of the rite of launclting the coc0—nut which is “ all same â€ù the soul of the deceased, the ghost is driven away in the following manner by the four men who buried the corpse. Before sunset on the ninth day a circular enclosure calledirim long, made of Vnemwengk trees, is set up to surround one or more croton bushes which have been planted near the path which leads past the club- house intn the villagef If the dead man had acquired those high titles of the Nmangki at the purchase of which the pigs killed are tied to stones, up- right stones arc erected round the r1'en'lbought the lower titles, for which the pigs are fastened to shrubs such as nator, cycas or Erythrina, then these are planted about it. Beside the rim long there is set up also a tall bamboo to which are hung roughly made models of a how, club and mat and likewise a model of the deceased's wife. His pig's tusks are also hung up here. All these are said to be for the use of his ghost in the Land oi the Dead. It is not supposed that the actual model bow, club, cte., are used, but a kind of spiritual double thereof.‘ The track leading from this enclosure to the house where the 1 er. the nindilmnnr of objects praparerl for the ghosts or the magicians of Melpmes. 401:»: ....