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DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD 585 sak, is nam, Nimalikh suk glu/mm mberl misaghele, nimal/ikh se duuat wk yengen ispqï¬Åw min (“ The kava of the yams, the kava of garden mine, let it be good. The kava of banana my may it be good. The kava mine this here may it make I am not sick. The kava of woman mine may she carry a child "). It is interesting that in this prayer deï¬Ånite reference is made to the desire for children, for as we have seen in the prayers addrased to the departed in Lambumbu such matters may not be mentioned. ' The Land of the Dead The Land of the Dead is called by the Big Nambas Bwialou, which it seems is, like Iambi, conceived as being underground. Like Iambi, too, the entrance to it is near a big rock, in this instance one standing in the neighbourhood of the village Ten M/arou, on which it is said there are “picturesâ€ù, whose exact nature was not described. On their way to Bwialou the spirits of the dead have to pass by a “ghostâ€ù called Lisevsep who guards the route and it is said destroys those who lived evil lives on earth. There is, however, also an idea that the road to Bwialou liifurcatcs (presumably where Lisevscp is sitting), and that the right hand track goes to a " good " place ior the souls of " good " men, the left hand one to a “bad â€ù place for those who have been " bad "I There is no mention of any test, such as Tomes Savsiip sets to the ghosts of Seniang, but Liscvsep herself ‘ is rgprresï¬Årrted/Hl>y a geometrical ï¬Ågure (see Fig. 37¢), which is §!;élg.i1,§:'l1‘.l,yvithUthut called " The Path which the ghosts Of n?1}il‘i;l7i{§ist iliay have to complete if they are to reach Wies in . /:.. H 1. x‘ >-. EASTMALEKULA‘ H l ‘From the districts of East Malehula practically nothing is reported of the funeral rites or‘ beliefs, but there is enough to show that fundamentally they are the same as in the west. In Senbarei a poor man was said to be buried in a prone position. The grave was not dug in the house, however, but near the village, perhaps in a sort of graveyard.“ A chief was , , 1 Temes Savsap is deï¬Ånitely stated to beafemale ghost: the sex oILisevsep is not %€I1QiO!10d, but there are indications that this being also is I Woman.- 1-1 I Deaoun seems to be very doubtful as to the accuracy of the 1“: part of this stntement.—C. H. w. L 1 ~1 >._| 7 ‘E: .‘ l Ice izt-=.~..M.~* vs-=~ 3 -ll Miwwwm. -I