[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
if K < .1 H » is ..(_ §~ 1 3, F" Cu.“ Rnam-nu nu: ‘ VILLAGE. N isarap Maur Lelembel Ramnap Nani Tamw Lembwilavi ‘Sfimb iurigzr Inwi Eviinumou T ems Rummiul Onnevet Nawmuir Lourwo Nata: Balilum Amellulu ‘Siflggaw niaw tenses Leneven ' ' Var Ndummium Wormbij rii Trifles ~ . Lembinewen . I11U101'3.!1 . TOTEMISM 601 Oayncr on Toma. Naensw. Tamas IN 1-us nauv (variety of tree) nave! lelembel ’ nimbuas naaili (variety of fruit tree) main umnu <= P > niialai sumb feta 5 nembwngk (= ’ ) nimahal nevï¬Ån (= a tree parasite or fungus) nikukal ? 2 nivimar ( = the dove) rmggur niuziu nimoral rembwil 1 mmggut (= the banana) nimbuas mmggui nilmkal ' rsnggur nimo ro wieha imer ‘ ( = P nimahal nimlm 1 : <= Pni mzlang itop nalang imemiew mm/es mmggut ° nalang itojz nalang imsndaw mankind Nambrmbflzon. P Nave! Lelembel ? P P ? ? P. P P Naumboi and the stone called “ The Penis Of the Ambat ". - ‘ 1 Meaning: “ They make the bellies of men P ." The meaning of rsmbwit is not recorded, but elsewhere imbu/it is said to mean " he is unable ". This transcription may actually not be correct, for the writing of this phrase ;is not very Iegib1e.—C. H. W. ' “ Newt means " the stone â€ù ; the signiï¬Åcance of lelambel is not kn0wn.— H C. H. W. â€ù The meaning of this phrase is not- known, but nitalai =the clan.— ' ‘ According-to one imperfect list the people of Onnevet increase the banana inlmggut) not the nikuknl tuber.—C. H. W. ° This transcription may not be accurate ; the meaning of the phrase is not recorded.—C. H. W. - ' Nuu/es is a variety of plant called “ strong yam " ; mmggut = tI*e’ba.nana ; but what nuwes mmggul may be is not recorded.—C. H. W. ’ ii {§ ll 1 1 at F 1». cai- H *1 .2; 1 I if ., El :