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602 Cum RHYTHM i W 'n_|..mx. . Niuinggmm lnig Loorha Inin Bi Lnnrveli M tliem Tzlai Loorernew MALEKULA T111311. m‘:/inggsum lung (Q variety ui mm) Iowmbus (a variety of tree) mar/ilalz (st variety of bird) Xnuw. P nimbvflia nimbaai ' 11811/43$ (7 = variety of we < own BI .‘ rm» IN in! Nml>mam'». Lisavsapg 1.a==.mp9 7 Mnlnggil Vw has n stone hem which is like a house I in this hekee splent. oi children ‘Y Tinggal !lZ5tlh¢ Iumhalilong mwibm nimbrrivh 1 (= the UV/1] Nirmln lurnkmr nilamlmlt 2 P (= the my - 2 nimlimzs 2 mmm Nindidar Vnnha nimalu . 7 , V The rites of a neenw are included under the general terml mwelnggil, which is used for all sex and fertility magic, but modity and also in that only one man of the right clan can perform them. Unfortunately no full description of a neenw has been recorded,‘ but an incomplete account is given of the N eerew Nikakal performed by the clan Men Ngerei at the village of Benztur. A space is cleared near to the village} and round it are planted cordyline, neaur, mulamir, and nisivung. In the centre the earth is banked up to forrn a kind of circular basin. This is lined with leaves of the kind used for Wrapping up puddings (rmrovu) and ï¬Ålled with water. Certain leaves, including the nisivung, are then wrung into the water, after which some stones, resembling the nikakal tuber in shape are put into it and the formula ‘ Deacon wrote in :1 lcltcr 1 " I lwpe to get more details Ibmlt these rites? the investigation is diï¬Åicult: as there is only one nimbalin newer alive, an old retuned gueenslander Who is in his dotage." N0 further nntes are tn he found, hovever.—C. H4 W. . ' It is not stated whether this is the nombvmbrllrm Of the village or not. Most nanarv are said to be done t.hare.—C. H. W. ‘ they differ from the latter both i.n not being a saleable com-’~' 4 1 1