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614 MALEKULA . “f hï¬Ån Mbï¬Åghwi metnfal ngutngut. N1'l’mm' iymg ,"' him Mbiighwi days many many (i.e. every day). Nil'mui he wig)“, mbzvimbï¬Ån m/ughut, ipf tsï¬Åghon Mbï¬Åghwi, I/us iii iii nivzmu it ,‘-. to kill a man, he goes unto Mbogwi, carries him (to) the mbm/imbï¬Ån mugh nan, imbam mas. Les nool ju’; ti-int he intends to kill the man, ? still. He sees twilight fallirigf rim atmetmatï¬År tambagh. Tum smibelawul mu siggg he gears they sleep soundly all. Some one does not make a l'lCli3§i.: ride! 1/aghat, ipf, itï¬År nughcm Mn. ,7‘ ? P in he goes, he stands (by) the face of the house!‘ Ldngldng Mbdghwi, var: “Knpf bughut, knlimbï¬Ån mam'i," He puts down Mbï¬Ågwi, he says: “Go inside, kill that manj kaan nesmm I â€ù Mbdghwi ipf lmghm, lis manm, _ eat his intestines!" Mbiigwi goes inside, he sees that man; metiï¬Å mil ; isli nuts im‘ nesnan, ghan; f he slumber-5 soundly; he creeps ? to his intestines, he devoursi I Ghan. tambagh; val: lis telmsur i, 1/ale verei He devours all; he comes outside again, he comes ont-,’ I . Mugh hhsm Mlnighwi lis, vus, mlamg, rams lili, The man (of) Mbiigwi he sees, he carries, they go, they returi-4,. mpf [is tsï¬Åghon ‘ air, lï¬Ånglzing Mbrighwi. they go again to their own place; he puts down Mbogwii, I pf hnmil mmb. M eragh metemlmgh, ipf " He goes to the sacred place. He rises (next) morning, he goes . lip nu mzghe mm, lï¬Ång raghamiin, llï¬Ång nouei, ry. and takes a certain leaf, puts it on the ground, pours water (into ,- ' vus mi nnghe. ivi. Mbiighwi nm min, ingoghayogh. Mugh sew carries the loaf, he goes. That Mbdgwi drinks, he vomits. His man lis: lmar mbï¬Åsayoghaghansi nmdz, manen mbï¬Åsar‘m'sil,', looks: if he does not vomit blood, that man will not die: baar bï¬Åynghï¬Åghan nenda, mamm bamis. . if he does vomit blood, that man will die. --, ) Thus, we see that of the districts in the west of Malekula, those of the south-west, Mcwun, Lambumbu, and Lagalag, are united in the custom of performing at certain stated intervals a ceremony for the increasing of certain ioodstuffs. Furthet, this rite is carried out for each foodstuff by one special magician in each separate clan,‘ and may be said to be ovlmed by that clan. This is also probably true for the inland district of Nesan, but the evidence for this region is less reliable than it is for the I The evidence for the existence of an mdividuul lfl Lmgalag, equivalenf to the nimbutin 'rmrl1l7Y of Seniang, is slight, but the general similarities to the practices of Lumburnbu, baides the reference to a man termed mug)» is 7157! mmbu connected with the nnambi MB?! rumba! makes it very probable that clan magicians do exist in Lagrurig.-c. H. w. .