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CHAPTER XXII THE “MAKING OF MAN " » Besides the clan fertility ceremonies which are performed by the oflicial magician of every clan in all the districts of West Malelula from Seniang north to Lambumbu, there is a ceremony, similar in nature, but of much greater importance, which is performed periodically, and in which the whole district is intimately involved. The rites are owned by a certain village in each district, and are directed by its clan-magician. These villages are Iumoran in Tomrnan Island, Rahulemp i.n Seniang, Mbatiar in Wilemp} Melpmes in Mewun, and Lembelag in Lambumbu.’ In Mewun and Lambumbu this important ceremony has as its object to make mankind fruitful and to render the whole district healthy and strong. In the South-West a similar rite was celebrated at lumoran. Of this last, Deacon writes : “ In the sacred place are said to be the largest specimens of the sacred pottery and on the continuation of the performance of fertility magic here the life of the whole district is apparently supposed in some way to have depended. The descent group oi Iumoran has only one survivor, the village has fallen into ruin, and the line of clan-magicians came to an end some years ago ; hence, according to the natives, the present appalling depopula- tion." This is all that is recorded. Deacon was unable to go to Tomman Island and study the site of Iumoran owing to the exhorbitant price (to be paid in whisky and champagne) demanded by those who could take him there. But besides this extinct ceremony there are in Seniang and Wilemp respectively the annual rites which are performed by the villages of Rahulemp and Mbatiar. These appear to be primarily harvest festivals and for the commemoration of the 1 In the list of Wilemp villages I have not been able to ï¬Ånd any one called Mbatlar. There is in Seuiaug a village of this name. It is one of the subsidiary villages oi the clan Navan Ans of which the chief village is Mbwilmet. Neverthe- less it is clearly stated that in Wilemp the Nurew Mbatiav corresponds to the Nearsw Rahulemp of Senia.ug.—C. H, W. " 1 It will be observed that most oi these villages have a clan iertility ceremony for a food-stuff in addition to this big district ceremony.—C. H. W. 640 A l l 1