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THE “,MAKING OF MAN " 645 district. It appears to be deï¬Ånitely connected with the Neerew Rahulemp, for it is celebrated fourteen days after the latter, when the moon, whose appearance heralded the ceremony in Seniang, is full. As in Seniang, men look out eagerly for the ï¬Årst glimpse of the moon and go to places where the horizon is low they they may catch sight of her the sooner. The sky on this night is said to consist of long calm parallel bars of clouds and passing slowly behind these, now disappearing and now reappear- ing, the full moon climbs to the upper heavens. Beyond this there are no details of the ceremony, but from the fact that the Neerew Mbatiar is regarded as the Wilemp equivalent to the N eerew Rahulemgp it is perhaps safe to assume that it, too, has its calendrie, commemorative, and harvest festival aspects. THE Nogho Tilabwe or Mewun just as a ceremony for the preservation of the life of the whole of the Southern district was associated with the village of Iumoran, so in Mewun the Nogho Tilabwe or Great Nogho is associated with Melpmes, the village with which Iurnoran is connected by a ghost path (nahal temes). It is clear, indeed, that the Nogho Tilabwe is regarded as being linked with the rites of Iumoran, and in this connection it is interating that Telvusuaga, the son of one of the clan fertility magicians of Melpmes, was taken when a child by his father on a visit to the clan magician of Iumoran. . It will be remembered that before Mwelnggil Veo and Ravaai, the two sons of Butwanabaghap, died, they procreated a number of stones, each of which gave birth to a man who was a kabat with an individual name, and further, that the people of Melpmes are divided into a number of “ houses â€ù or amwi, each one of which claims as ancestor one of these stones. Belonging to every " house “ is a magician, nemughui nogha (“ the man of nagho "), who assists in the performance of the “ Great N agho â€ù. This man in his official capacity bears the name of the Kabat child‘ who sprang from the stone of his " house and who is therefore the human ancestor of that " house â€ù. No complete list could be obtained of these stones with the names of their children and the " houses " which they founded, but the informant managed to remember ï¬Åve of them. In addition to the title of the Kabat, :1; ls r r H ii: ii '1 g I