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646 MALEKULA which descends from a nemughut mgha to his son, the sisters of men bearing these titles have a special name, but only three of these were recollected. Name of the Name ufthe Stone. " House ". Title, Title of Sister. Windemalavii Amwi Venuwus Kabat Wuk Watd Mun Tagh Tamate Amwi Amagai Kabat Watfi Mbuas i 1 Baghap Kahat Oghuo Amwi Venelusuot ? . Banggatuoi Amwi Veneb- Kabat Liit ? wendam Ukoimeta Amwi Times Kabat Miald Namumwiingk Times. Two other " houses " are also remembered, Amwi Venembet and Amwi Venemindangga, but it is forgotten to what kabat or stones they are attached. The names of the other stones and the interpretation of these names have already been given on p. 632. Of the kabat titles, baghap means " tall ", lflt means " yellow â€ù, miald means " red ". Telvusuaga who gave the information concerning the Nogho Tilalzwe is the son of the nemughut nogho of the “ house â€ù of Amwi Venuwus. His father's ordinary name was Tagalut, but his full, oflicial title was Tagalut Kabat Wuk; and Telvusuaga, though he never ï¬Ånished the necessary initiation to succeed his father, also claims this title of Kabat Wok. (Pl. III, Fig. 3.) As we have seen, the unique position of the nemugh/mi nogho as the living representatives of the kabat caused them to be differentiated from ordinary men in the matter of death, for their bodies were buried in a special way, instead of being exposed on a platform which is the usual form of disposal, and one of the objects of the N ogho Tilabwe is to prepare and safeguard the passage of these men to Namalo, the reef to which their spirits go.‘ THE Locno AT Msrrmas The tagha stones now lie or stand in the logho of Melpms. This is the most sacred place in all Mewun, and it is here that the rites of the Nogho Tilabwe were carried out. The spot is to-day much overgrown and in disorder, but the accompanying plan indicates its general arrangement (see Fig. 38). An avenue 1 See Chapter XVIII. ‘ _..|