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> 4 » 1 1 ti ii fl ,6 ' CHAPTER XXIII MAGIC The meaning of the term “ magic " has for long been a source of dispute among anthropologists, but most commonly it is held to include that body of ritual activities by means of which the nativebelieves himself to be able to control nature without the intervention of any spiritual beings. Such a deï¬Ånition of “ magic " is not, however, applicable to the rites of the Malekulan natives, for they class together under a single term a number of ritual performances, some of which would be included as magical in accordance with this interpretation of the word but of which others because they are accompanied by invocations to a temes (ghost) or other spirit would be excluded from it. It will be as well, therefore, to set aside, any attempt to deï¬Åne magic and to follow instead the classiï¬Åcation of their rites which the Malekulans follow. - The ï¬Årst thing to be appreciated when endeavouring to understand the magical rites of the Malekulan Islanders is that for them there are two fundamentally distinct types. The ï¬Årst of these and, sociologically speaking, probably the more important is the magic which is the inalienable property of a clan and is exercised by one or two special men in that clan. This is the magic referred to in the chapter on totemism, which is performed on the occasion of a clan neerew or nogharo. Each clan has the power and knowledge vested in the clan magician, the nimbatin nuwor in Seniang, to increase and multiply some food-stuff or natural phenomenon, and, in a few instances, such things as war, famine, and drought. Those which control the food-stuffs celebrate the necessary ritual annually for the beneï¬Åt of the whole district; those which influence the sun and rain will increase these whenever the district has special need of them. The causing of war or famine seems an essentially anti-social act, and it appears that the nimbatin nowor of the clan which can create war will use his powers according to his own discretion. In general, however, it may be said of this clan-magic that it is deï¬Ånitely localized; that it is directed towards the 663 pl ,1 > ‘xi ,. ‘l ll.