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' ' ""“"""'l 694 MALEKULA is, of course, a tendency for nimbatin nawor who are exceptional men with exceptional powers, to oombine the function of a public official with clairvoyance and the knowledge of the whole gamut of death and sickness magics.1 Where this is the case, these three activities are entirely distinct, just as the two types of magic, public and private, are distinct. The position and the knowledge of how to perform the clan fertility ceremonies is passed on from a man to his eldest son. The necessary ritual may be taught only to this boy (or if there be no son, to some other near kinsman oi the same clan) and cannot be sold to others. In Mewun the same rule holds and at Melpmes initiation or induction to this office is accompanied by a six months’ seclusion in the house of Butwanabaghap, which stands in the logho of this village. It will be remembered with reference to these men of Melpmes, that they are distinct from all other clan magicians of their district, that they have special funeral rites and a special land of the dead. Finally Deacon writes of these clan magicians :— "Although nimbalin noww and nmughut nogho have been translated ‘clan-magician ’, it must he pointed out that this is not a. wholly satisfactory rendering of those words. The rites performed in connection with the nmew, nogha, nagharv, etc., are in many cases essentially magical in the sense in which this word has been deï¬Åned by Sir James Frazer, working on the imitative or other principles. But most clan tahu—places contain a sacred stone, which, as mentioned already, is generally supposed to be the residence of a powerful ghost. It is clear that in many cases, as for instance, in the memo of war, these stones, or rather their indwelling ghosts, are addressed by the nimbatin nowor with e prayer (nitamale) for the increase of the plant, animal, or other object. It appears, therefore, that the memo contains two distinct elements, but unfortunately we have not suï¬Åicient data to show how far each enters into the performance of the nimbalin nnwar. In the Big Nogho at Melpmes the invigorating of the district by the washing of the image of the Kabat is a rite wherein the two elements seem to be intermingled. Probably this is true oi others 1 In one iroto Dmcon writes that the men who perform the ceremony for the increase oi pigs by menus of uro sacred pottery at Tivulomp are not called nimbatm OIOIIIDV “because they only know how be more increase of'Pi8!. hrrt have ho further powers This is almost certainly a mistake, for he says else- where 1 " The fact that most nnnbalias nowor are also private death-magic (atc.) sorcerer: led mo it ï¬Årst to Confuse their public and private characters. Tho distinction is however essential." It will be noticed on the list on p. soc that besides pigs, Tivulemp has the power to increase ï¬Åsh. It is possible that the true ninibalin nowpr of this village was the oooii who performed the fertility ceremony for these, roe not ho who controlled the increase of pigs4—C. 1-LW. n Qi