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718 MALEKULA ét in/er wut m'nggesise1)m binggm; at nongot, and said that I should open unto him; and I didn’t want (to) at ivï¬År m'mbr12s11;s, et irav hethzt hm kimmgk.â€ù En and he broke the door, and he did that which was bad to me." And Ambat iii]: mmi mbniambrï¬Å, imbwil nivilump. En iwer bmggm Ambat took a club, he killed the girl. And he said unto tesin ay: "Mural Zmmong, newer binggen ninggim, his younger brothers: "My children, I said unto you, ' A asveive ’, an Auï¬Årara £1/ei. El nembwil ‘You are not to go,’ and Awirara went. And I have killed mob mvilamp, at nhev nerevw tininggim en daambal./" the girl, and do you take your hows and we will ï¬Åght!â€ù Awimm iwer: “Nunggaw! ninggzveil mwin, ninggeher nerevï¬Åh Awirara said: "Alright! I will enter ?, I will take my tiki/nangk. En Ambat {her nerevï¬Åh tiei, ,.m ivini Awiram, en 1'1;im' bow.â€ù And Ambat took his bow, and he shot Awirara, and shot Awingotngut, an im'm' Auï¬Åsantwuhm, en ivini Awikikintuas, en Awingotngot, and shot Awisantwuhlu, and shot Awikikintuas, and tesin ar rzvini ei, an remake, en his younger brothers they shot him, and they fell sick, and runes mah. they all died. Tue DEATH or Arman-r Ambat rokah Our, a1 ilim. En Ambat The Ambat dwelt (on) Tomman Island, they were ï¬Åve. And Ambat ivem Lindamia. En Au/{ram iwer binggen halan ar: was married to Lindanda. And -Awirara said to his brothers: “Donlong, deetiti nimaos.â€ù En - relzmg, “ Let us go, ? nimoos (a variety of plant).“ And they went, reliti, mambriis nozmin nimoos in neerei. En E‘, they covered the kernels of the nimoos with leaves. And newer binggm A mbat : “ Doolrmg, lieemien nimlai.’ ' they said unto Ambat: “We are going to dive for giant clam." Ambat iwer: “Nunggowlâ€ù En ilong binggen Lindanda, iu/er: Ambat said: "Alright!" And he went unto Lindanda, he said: “Gales nmum .942! gotovwis, at guli ngarngar mmgk." En "If you see any bird ï¬Åy past, strangle yourself quickly." And relnmg, relip mlwzmgk, wrap biliwzm ndes, they went, they took a canoe, they sped to the middle of the sea, wut nitalai ito in. En reles nitalai. to the place (where) the clam was. And they saw the clam. Awiram iwer: “Kinangk ninggendm hu/man." En ilip monin Awirera said: “I, I will dive ï¬Årst.â€ù And he took a kernel ‘ vei is given as "enter" and "pass out".—C. H. W. ‘ l , mi V, ‘ll ‘. W Vii mo-5-.-=4=:'< 7r l| = 1 :> l‘. k iii /‘|". ll ll M ill d <1 _1;