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720 MALEKULA I11/elgng lis viisar 1'11/er binggen hlllllfl ar: “Neslesuz He came again ?, he'said unto his brothers: "I did not see Limianda.â€ù Ar mah rmgginggileu, revles wut ili mlmzn Li.ndanda." They looked everywhere, fliey saw that she ? nrah, imes moh. Rewn: “Ninggint denggiew awow for good and all, she was quite dead. They said: " ? spoilt elder nggen Limianda, at Limiamia {mes mob I " En brother because of Lindanda, and Lindanda is quite dead!â€ù And rembwit new iraarar, ram/mgas ran Awimra ; rewer: they were unable plans P they spoke to Awirara; they said: “ Immgk tei urirong Lindunda, at amggur wut deems “ Look here, you desired Lindanda, and you prepared that we should bamn awow, at nitalai ias mbriin in, at ninggint deemes mah em, ? to elder brother; and the clam snapped him, and we shall die, nimomt s12! gembu/il m'nggint.â€ù Awirara 1'u/er: “Isamp nroh! " some (any) man kill ?." Awirara said : “ It is bad for good and all." T1-nz Sroiw or NEVINBUMBAAU AND THE AMBAT Newnlmmbaau itu Rambambap iilil mium. Nevinbumbaau dwelt (at) Rambambap, she built a house. en iil nimbwiliel Hum iiei, nggzn wut ihevher And she dug a pit in the house of her, in order that she catch nimorat, rmdmden Zen nimbwiliel Mg/gen wut iamm men, they fall down into the pit in order that she should (continually) a1. en. Ambat ar ihm mkah Our. eat them. And the Ambat they-ï¬Åve they dwelt on Tomman Island. raambwi mmggut imlonggzm av, an Awirara eiien They planted bananas (one for each of them). and Awirara his itamu human, en Ambat izver birggen Awimm: “ nunggut tinungk ripened ï¬Årst, and Ambat said unto Awirara: “ Banana thy itarau mob, ileh nggan immgk kuvmeven mahal is ripe completely, good that thou thou should shoot ï¬Åsh nggen wul daammb naiew nin." en Awirara ilang in order that We should cook pudding of it." And Awirara he went i1/enevan ma/ml, iweleng Rambambajz, {war pi he shot ï¬Åsh, he came (to) Rambambap, he trod over (Le. upset) m1/et. en Nevinbumbaau inmg 1'12/er : " ia at ivar nfllumndum the stone. And Nevinbumbaau heard, she said : " Who trod noisily mm navel?“ Au/irara iwer: "kimmgk etingk.â€ù “unggur ism?" on the stone ? â€ù Awirara he said : " I here." " Thou dost what ? " “ neueneven mahal nggen mmggut.“ Nevinbumbaau “I have just been shooting ï¬Åsh for bananas.â€ù Nevinbumbaau iwer: “guwcleng nggau mwin.â€ù en Awiram ¢"uei. she said: "Alright just you come (here)." And Awirara went. N evinbumbaau iwer .' " kusiri nimahal 11/utin, zluammb Nevinbumbaau said: “ Put thou the ï¬Åshes there, we-two will cook ‘l 4.