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NATIVE TEXTS 723 remiuwem/er, m Ambat dies mzanm they are going on saying things, and Ambat saw root mzmba, 4'11/er, "A12/imra, guinis naanm muzi 71,i1L." of a banyan tree, he said, “ Awirara, nip the root the tree of it." an A wimnz {in jzalangk naanm naai, en newei And Awirara notched through the root (of) the tree, and the blood nin nuamn mm" m'n iwamzuav, en Ambat iwer binggen of the root the tree of it, it trickled down, and Ambat said unto halzm M’, "naaran namba ti Iumnran ei etingk.â€ù his brothers." “ The root of the banyan of Iuruoran this it is." en halan rewer, "bamnggeni" iwer “e’e! ilzh And his brothers said, "Truly?" He said, “Yes!â€ù it is good wut deeil hay maran namba.â€ù " awuw that we should dig along root (of) the banyan.“ " Elder brother ndeemes m'uitol1'en." Ambat iwer, “m'nggim avitol nroh we shall die (of) hunger." Ambat said, “ You, you hungry ' ï¬Ånish ’ am?â€ù rewer, “e’e miv1'lol." Ambat iher kakas then?" They said, " Yes we are hungry." Ambet took out naiew Zen nisivul mbalin, ihu binggen halan ar the pudding in the hair (of) his head, he gave unto his brothers at ramzlanal, rewer, “ile em Mmbumnt.â€ù wales and they rejoiced, they said, “ Good, we are satisï¬Åed.â€ù They saw um)! mzanm imbou en rewer binggen Ambat, “masasan that the root it is big, and they said unto Ambat, " Close up nroh wut deeil miur.â€ù an Ambat iwer, " aarop ï¬Ånish that we shall dig through." And Ambat said, " You run bu/elm silei koun wutinf’ en aw ramp mbwelen silei. en to a distance from there.â€ù And they ran to a distance, And Ambat ikamb naai mes mbolo, isimgb in neten, an Ambat took the knife of bone, he 'speared' into the earth, and netzn {man 'mim', en ar reievis meims lm nimbatin the earth opened through, and they appeared out (at) the foot mzmba ti Ium0ra'n.1 of the banyan of Iumoran. WHY MEN Became BLACK I to-sombon iviien nimbrunong iru, m'mor0l isi cm “ l-le-abides-by—hi.mself â€ù had children two, man one, and m'm'lum4> isi. rokoh ran nimetelu isi, neehen Leneven. an girl one. They dwelt in the village one, name Leneven. And temen mar iwer binggm mar .' " waaan father their-two he said unto them~two: " You two shall eat ‘ At this point the fl'anS1iUOn oi the text breaks oii but, judging from the remaining fragments of the story, the ï¬Åve Ambit brothers return later by canoe to Ranmar and presumably go to attack Nevinbumba8.1.—~C H. W. 4 v s / 4