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724 MALEKULA mm‘ tilamp, an isi waaszmve, nehen naai nin at trees many, and one you-two shall not eat, name tree (of it) is Na//wi.“ en temen 1'1/angas mah, an ibu mar. Ila-rig naam'." And father he spoke ' ï¬Ånish ‘, and he left them-two. He went bei lembwiteei. an nimarlamp man iwelmg nggen mar. into desert place. And an old man a certain he came to them-two, izuar .' " Ngen haven at waasanve naai yingk 2 " en he said, " For what is you two shall not eat tree this? " And um/er binggen nimarlamp .' " tatai iwer muusan11e." they-two said unto the old man, “ Father he said we-two shall not eat." an nimarlam4> £11/er : " temen mum iwiis bamn ru/um. and the old man he said, " Father of you-two he lied unto you-two, naai tile din ; war/um at waaronghur a tree which is good this here ; you-two shall eat and you-two shall meta mnrsu keno lemen mar." 1 an urwer : know things all like unto father of you-two." And fliey-two said: " tatai iwer binggen mumen : ‘ muuan at " Father he said unto us-two (excl.) ‘ (If) you~tw0 shall eat and muumes ’." an m'/marlamp 1'11/er : “ umasmesue." you-two shall die ’." And the old man he said, “ You-two shall not die.â€ù an nimomo ilip nail/an naavi, en ian. en And the woman she took the fruit of the Maui, and she ate. And 1'-war binggm mu/emm : “ Izaranggen naai yingk ikaskas.â€ù ihu she said unto her brother, " Truly, tree this is sweet.â€ù She gave binggen mwemzn en ian, en nahun iwamwar ran unto her brother and he ate, and the juice it ran down on m'mar0ngg0n. an umgginggileu, urslesve his (their) breast. And they-two looked (for), they»tw0 saw not m'marlam¢, m urvivangas sombon mar .' " nimarlamp the old man, and they-two spoke among them~tw0, " The old man ilong bambe F " urslesve, en nimomo iwer binggen he went whither ? “ They~two saw not, and the woman she said unto mwenen : " nahun naai m‘n imetemet,â€ù iwer “ dimlzmg her brother, " The juice the tree (of it) it is blackjâ€ù she said “ We-two Imlau, riuumbur has.â€ù will go to the water, we-two will wash away' (sc. it).â€ù an mlong balau, urmbar. isiarve. And they-two went to the water, they-two washed. It did not ' ï¬Ånish '. En umwta Ieman mar, urwer J And they-two were afraid of father their—two, they~two said " tatai kaweleng at kambwil 114/amt, dwsrongmieuve “ Father he will come and he will kill us-two (incl.) ; we-two did not ei.â€ù m uwop,â€ù urkoh lembusaiuon. believe him ". And they-two ran, they-two dwelt in the desert place. 1 It may be that this should be vuum.—C, H. WA “ Perhaps this should be m'rip.—C. H. W. I