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728 MALEKULA Naoimb indam flli5'I4,' en nevilala ilm nelen in The nooimb answered yes; and the nauilala gave his voice to naoimb,‘ nooimb ihu nelm in nevilala. 7 Rolaiig, the '?t00i1'V1b1 the nooimb gave his voice to the nevilala. They went, mial nitur. Nooimb irong um! nelm imbu, ingal/ngal they sang tour. Nooimb heard that his voice was large, he was glad, iwer: “Nangguta nehzn, niirggeslip mial ue lis binggm he said: “ I will ? his voice, I will not take (it) back again unto nevilulu.â€ù En mtal nnial mbwzlzng wut the ne11ilala." And they returned back to the place where rokokah in; nooimb mm gaweleng masasang nin they continued to live; the nooimb was afraid to come near to nevilala; isump silei. Nevilala iwer: “Guweleng, guvalip the mzvilula; he sat afar off. The nevilala said: " Come, take ndal lis nelom, gulija mbwelmg mmggon." Nooimb iwer: back again thy voice, take unto ? ." The moimb said: “ N owuswus nroh nerong mzial niteur at "I will ask (for it) for good and all. I wish to sing tau and nelo imbou et nerong ile. Guslip mial we the large voice and I heard that it was good. You shall not take (it) back lis ,' neviirm nroh ! " Nevilala iwev : again, I will keep (it) for good and all!â€ù The new/ihlla said: “Gen heuen ct uuiis bar/1? Gulip ndal mbweleng nelo/" " Why doest thou turn over ? P Take back the voicelâ€ù Nooimb iwuswus .' nevilala irong ihet. The nooimb asked: the mi/ilala heard (wished) he was angry (sore). A STORY ABOUT TEMES MALAU 1 Times Malau ito ran Now,‘ nimorot ito Times Malau dwelt in Tomman Island; a man dwelt (at) Eviinas. Ambwi nisuzz ,' nisua ii!/an ,' itamu ; Eviinas. He planted a nisua; the niwa grew; it ripened; inmg, inn gamem. Times Malau ivei in iles in in/er.‘ he heard, it resembled ?. Times Malau went and saw and said: “Nonggmiggut ngam‘ mii.â€ù Ilong iha en ian. “ My banana goes ? .â€ù He went, he climbed up, and he ate (it). Mwin Mewun iweleng, iles, iopau: “Nemen ian A man of Mewun came, he saw, he?: “A bird has eaten nzmggunggoul.â€ù Ilon-g iher nerevw, ilrmg ntalrzial, mbwzleng, my banana." He went he took a bow, he went ? , ? , isum¢. Times Malau iweleng bivaat, iha nisua. he sat down. Times Malau came at night climbed up the nisua. M win M ewun iles, ian nisun en ivini in. The man of Mewun saw (how) he ate the nisua and he shot him. ‘ Nalew mulau or mnlau = the bush turkey. ‘ v