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4 1 J NATIVE TEXTS 73I nï¬Åmbiivwelnt, gumumum.â€ù Alatiti ilong nnmg .' " Ndng 0! I'll come, you shall suck." The child cried still: “ O mother] niing 0! woragh mbwsli sf Nia mimimind ndulwm mm miulum O mother] ? too much! ? P it's swallowing me, it's swallowing nou! â€ù S'nm iwer Zieh .' "N6mb5m1a rlomo, rne ! â€ù His mother said again : " I’l1 just go on clearing a little while, tembar mimbï¬Åwelat gumumum. â€ù N embai indulum then I’ll come, you shall suck.â€ù The nembat-creeper swallowed natiti iramiran naau ti. S ‘nan im mong. Natiti the child ? the girdle its. Its mother went on clearing. The child iel Zieh : “ N Zing 0, ndubum non I " Imiulum cried again: “O mother, it's swallowing me!" It swallowed naming rim mbelawan. Natiti tel Z-ieh: “Nï¬Ång -0! " that one up to its neck. The child cried again: "O mother!â€ù I ruiulum mahan. S “rim ii:/elem, iuuhzm It swallowed (it) altogether. It's mother came, she sought iselehsi. I tï¬Ång, ivu mim hiwm, ileh she did not see (it). She cried, she went to the village, she saw tme-mwen. Ar malili, ar uahan, ar selehsi. her husband. They-two returned, they-two sought, they-two saw not. Tmemwim iwzri en .' “ I malur giqb F " Nimomogh ti Her husband said unto (her) : " Where was he lying? " His wife iweri .' “ I mam? wumei ./ " Arleh nembat ngei said: "He was lying here! " They~two saw that neml2at~creeper wut-am iui mt:/m itéi/um. Arghal, that it made the ground burst asunder. They two digged, a'/iï¬Ågh leui u/elem raai. Tmemwen iszr naai man they two hauled out (made it) come up. Her husband took a stick, in/er mlmghu: welewel. Nam itokh leln, iweri .' he said he would hit it to bits. The child remained inside, it said: " Mamwe, gusugh/usgh/nssi nembai, metaan gughus mu.â€ù Amreh " Father, do not strike the nembui, lest you strike me." They tore wel wimbatn mzmbat, mleh natiti imatur Zen nelehi apart Hie foot of the nembal, they saw the child lying in the inside (of) nembat, artï¬Ågh leui, aveh zm mim hum. the nembat, they hauled (him) out, they carried him to the village. I meur wrong. He was still alive. THE MAN WHO BOASTED THAT HE was NOT AFRAID or Gnosrs Mar Lembetewut tuan i1/war ise meta nggulel xi; A certain man of Lembetewut said (that) he was incapable of fear ; ivwer .' “ Wuntm mbwitghus nï¬Åwmman, mbmiilagh ran nambwilaghai he said: “Should you kill some man, fasten (him) on gong S
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